Page 72 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 72
Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
Student/ Uĉenik :Mihailo Ilić
Mentor: Danica Stojanović
I really like to read crime stories a lot, and my favorite writer is Agatha Christie, but I
cannot decide which of her characters I like the most. I have been thinking about many of them,
and at the end my final choice included two names: Monsieur Hercules Poirot and Miss Jane
Marple. These fictional characters are so popular and interesting, but on the other hand they are
also quite different. Have you ever asked yourself about some of these characters? What are
their differences and similarities? Then, you know that it is not an easy task to complete. In this
paper I'shall try to explain similarities and differences between Hercules Poirot and Miss Marple,
famous characters from Agatha Christi's stories.
Monsieur Hercul Poirot is a Belgian refugee who came to England. Miss Marple was born
and raised in England 20 km away from London .Both of them are extraordinary detectives, and
that will be my starting point in this research. Everything they have done or said may be
explained in many different ways and I'll try to do my best in this research to explain their
differences and similarities ,and my own reasons for writing about them.
Ja zaista puno volim da čitam krimi priče, i moja omiljena književnica je Agata Kristi, ali
ne mogu da odlučim koji od njenih likova najviše volim. Razmišljao sam o mnogima od njih i na
kraju moj konačni izbor uključuje dva imena :Gospodin Herkul Poaro i Gospodjica Džejn
Marpl.Ovi izmišljeni likovi su veoma popularni i interesantni , ali sa druge strane oni su takodje i
veoma različiti. Da li ste se ikada zapitali o nekim likovima? Koje su njihove razlike i
sličnosti?Verovatno ne, ali ako jeste, onda znate da to nije lak zadatak.U ovom radu ja du
pokusati da objasnim sličnosti i razlike izmedju Herkula Poaroa i gospodjice Marpl, poznatih
likova iz priča Agate Kristi.
Gospodin Herkul Poaro je belgijski izbeglica koji je došao u Englesku.Gospodjica Marple
je rodjena i odrasla u Engleskoj 20 km daleko od Londona. Oboje su izuzetni detektivi i to de biti
moja polazna tačka u ovom istraživanju.Sve što su oni učinili ili rekli moze biti objašnjeno na
mnogo različitih nacina i pokušadu da dam sve od sebe u ovom istraživanju da objasnim njihove
sličnosti i razlike , i svoje sopstvene razloge što pišem o njima.