Page 76 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 76


                                           MAĈKE I NJIHOV UTICAJ NA LJUDE

               Mentor:                                                                                                               Student:

               Ružica Ršumovid                                                                                                Đorđe Šarovid

               an English language teacher, MA English                                            Grade VII OŠ ,,Pavle Popovid''


               Cats  are  extremely  popular,  cute  little  pets  in  most  of  the  world.  They  have  had  a  huge  impact  on
               humans within the time that they've been around, and deserve a large ammount of respect for what
               they have done for mankind, whether it be in being subject to jokes, superstitions, or just being by our
               side in a moment of need. They have even been used for medical testing, and have been very useful
               overall  on  our  planet.  Cats  have  many  wonderful  things  about  them  that  most  people  do  not  know
               about, and should be appreciated. Wonderful things can be found out about cats and their 'clowders'1,
               but only if a little work has been put into researching it.

               Key words: Cats, pets, humans, medicine, research


               Mačke su ekstremno popularni, slatki mali kudni ljubimci u svetu. Imali su ogroman uticaj na ljude otkad
               znamo za njih, i zaslužuju veliku količinu poštovanja za sve sto su učinili za ljudsku vrstu, bilo da je to
               bivanje subjekat šala, sujeverja, ili čak bivanja kraj nas kad nam je to najvise trebalo. Čak se koriste i za
               testiranje lekova i medicinskih sredstava, i uopšteno, bile su veoma korisne na našoj planeti. O mačkama
               se  može  nadi  veoma  velika  količina  interesantnih  stvari  o  kojima  velika  količina  ljudi  ne  zna,  i  treba
               poštovati. Predivne stvari se mogu nadi o mačkama, ako se potrudimo da ih istražimo.

               Ključne reči: Mačke, ljubimci, ljudi, medicina, istraživanje
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