Page 78 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 78



               Mentor:                                                                                                                        Student:

                Ruţica Ršumović:                                                                                            Lenka Jakšić

               an English language teacher, MA English                                 VII grade OŠ „Zaga Malivuk“


               While you were watching the animated film “Madagascar”, have you ever wondered what is this land
               really like, what exists in it? I have, and when the opportunity to write about it came, I was excited for
               learning  many  things  and  having  fun,  too.I  wrote  this  paper  for  everyone  who  wand  to  find  out
               something about this country. I have wrote plenty about Madagascar. About its’ history, from the very
               beginning  until  today.  About  the  regions  and  their  characteristics.  About  the  very  diverse  plant  and
               animal world which inspirited me and I think it will inspirit anyone who reads something about it. I wrote
               about the people who live there and their culture. I have also wrote about the film “Madagascar”, which
               motivated me to choose this topic.  I think that this paper contains lots of interesting and educative
               things for every curious person.

               Key words: Madagascar, history, regions, plants, animals, people, culture, film, interesting, educative


               Dok ste gledali animirani film „Madagaskar“, da li ste se ikada zapitali kakva je stvarno ta zemlja, šta sve
               postoji u njoj? Ja jesam, i kada se ukazala prilika da pišem o tome, bila sam uzbuđena zbog učenja mnogo
               stvari i zabavljanja, takođe. Napisala sam ovaj rad za sve koji žele da otkriju nešto o ovoj državi. Puno
               sam  pisala  o  Madagaskaru.  O  njegovoj  istoriji,  od  samog  početka  do  danas.  O  regijama  i  njihovim
               karakteristikama. O veoma raznovrsnom biljnom i životinjskom svetu koji me je oduševio i mislim da de
               oduševiti svakoga ko pročita nešto o tome. Pisala sam o ljudima koji tamo žive i o njihovoj kulturi. Takođe
               sam pisala o filmu „Madagaskar“ koji me je motivisao da izaberem ovu temu. Mislim da ovaj rad sadrži
               puno zanimljivih i poučnih stvari za svaku znatiželjnu osobu.

               Ključne reči: Madagaskar, istorija, regije, biljke, životinje, ljudi, kultura, film, zanimljivo, poučno
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