Page 79 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 79
Autor: MILOS GOLUBOVIC, VIII-1, OS”Bata Bulic”, Petrovac na Mlavi
Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II Mentor: BOJANA PAVLOVIC, profesor engleskog
jezika I knjizevnosti- master, Nastavnik engleskog jezika
People have always searched for new methods of entertainment, and in the age of technological
development in the 1950s some people wondered if computers or other devices can be used for
Fun. Today video games, after a rapid change, are a big part of modern culture. From ordinary
people to celebrities, everybody plays them. However, not a lot of people know about how video
games were created, nor anything about their past, especially youth. At first, the concept of a
game played on a screen was silly, unimaginable and nearly impossible, but over time, video
games have been perfected and gained more and more popularity among society. The first video
games were two-dimensional made out of pixels; little squares of which a game is made, in a
limited amount of colors. Through time they were made of more and more pixels, in more colors,
which made the games better looking. But then 3D games came out, with 3 dimensions where
you could move like in real life, and their look improved over time. Games were in the beginning
non-violent and generally meant for children; fun games with exciting and funny game play and
characters. Over time, games became more violent, included shooting monsters, aliens, and even
people. When 3D games came to life they included blood and heavy graphic violence, making the
games adult oriented, but children play them despite all the violence.
Key words: video game, entertainment, console, Nintendo, culture, Super Mario
Ljudi su uvek traţili nove metode zabave, a u doba tehnološkog razvitka 1950ih godina ljudi su
se pitali da li kompjuteri ili drugi ureĊaji se mogu koristiti za zabavu. Danas video igre, posle
brze promene, su veliki deo moderne kulture. Od obiĉnih ljudi do slavnih, svi ih igraju.
Medjutim, mnogo ljudi ne zna kako su video igre nastale, niti bilo sta o njihovoj prošlosti,
pogotovo mladi. Na poĉetku koncept igre koja se igra preko ekrana je bio šašav, nezamisljiv i
skoro nemoguć, ali vremenom, video igre su bile usavršene i dobile veću i veću popularnost u
društvu. Prve video igre su bile dvodimenzionalne napravljene od piksela; malih kvadratića od
kojih je igra napravljena, u ograniĉenom broju boja. Kroz vreme one su bile napravljene od više i
više piksela, u više boja, što je ĉinilo da igrice izgledaju mnogo bolje.Ali kada su 3D Igre izašle,
sa 3 dimenzije gde ste mogli da se krećete kao u stvarnom ţivotu, I njihov izgled se poboljšao
preko vremena. Igre su u poĉetku nenasilne i uglavnom namenjene za decu; zabavne igre sa
zanimljivim i smešnim igranjem i likovima. Kroz vreme, igre su postale nasilnije, ukljuĉivale su
pucanje ĉudovišta, vanzemaljaca, pa ĉak I ljudi. Kada su 3D izašle one sui male krvi i jakog
grafiĉkog nasilja, ĉineći igre za odrasle, ali koje deca igraju uprkos svom nasilju.
Ključne reči: video igre, zabava, konzola, Nintendo, kultura, Super Mario