Page 75 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 75


                                                    VILIJAM ŠEKSPIR

               Autor: ANASTASIJA STOJANOVIĆ VII-5  OŠ “ Bata Bulić “
                Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
               Mentor: BOJANA PAVLOVIĆ, profesor engleskog jezika i knjiţevnosti-master Nastavnik
               engleskog jezika


               William Shakespeare was the greatest dramatist of all time. He was also an important member of
               the Lord Chamberlain‟s Men company theatrical players and he was an Renaissance artist. He
               wrote pieces that are able to capture the complete ranges of human emotion and conflict and he
               tried  his  hand  at  writing  dramas,  comedies,  histories,  tragedies  and  tragicomedies.  His  works
               have been performed all over the world over 400 years, but his personal history is still a mystery.
               He was a co-owner of the “Globe” Theatre.

               Key words: William Shakespeare, The Globe Theatre, drama, tragedy, dramatist.


               Vilijam Šekspir je bio najveći dramski pisac svih vremena. On je takoĊje bio vaţan ĉlan “ Lord
               Chamberlain‟s Men “ kompanije pozorišnih igraĉa, i on je bio Renesansni umetnik. Napisao je
               komade koji su u stanju da zarobe kompletne asortimane ljudskih emocija i sukoba i oprobao se u
               pisanju drama, komedija, istorijskih komada, tragedija i tragikomedija. Njegova dela se izvode u
               celom svetu preko 400 godina, ali je njegova liĉna istorija još uvek misterija. On je bio suvlasnik
               “ Globe ” Pozorišta.

               Ključne reči: Vilijam Šekspir, Gloub teatar, drama, tragedija, dramaturg
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