Page 77 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 77
Autor: LAZAR AVRAMOVIC VIII, OS „Bata Bulic“, Petrovac na Mlavi
Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
Mentor: BOJANA PAVLOVIC, profesor engleskog jezika i knjizevnosti-master
Nastavnik engleskog jezika
The Middle Ages, or the Dark ages, were a period starting from a collapse of a Western Roman Empire, and ending
with a Renaissance. Middle Ages have inherited severe famine and diseases from the time when barbarians herded,
and they continued until the ending year of Middle Ages, even a bit further into the Modern period. Important
thing in Middle Ages is the emergence of Islam in 5th century. Another important religious date is 1054, the year
when the Christian church divided to Orthodox and Catholic. Carolingan Empire has emerged in the 8th century.
The art and architecture was mostly in classical, with basilica style architecture. There was a significant
development and use of infantry and heavy cavalry. In High Middle Ages, since cities were created and life became
easier, Europe experienced population boom. It was not until late Middle Ages that European population was
struck by bubonic plague where one third of population died off, resulting in an economic collapse. In High Middle
Ages were first formed kingdoms that are very similar to modern-day countries. Even though the Middle Ages had a
lot wars, plague, death, it has also evolved art, arhitecture, and, later in the period, freedom of thought.
Key words: Middle Ages, kingdom, religion, military, architecture, state
Srednji vek je period koji je poceo kada je propalo Zapadno Rimsko carstvo, a zavrsio kada je poceo period
Renesanse. Srednji vek je nasledio glad I bolesti jos od vremena kada su varvari pristizali, a to se nastavilo sve do
pocetaka modernog doba. Ono sto je bitno za Srednji vek je pojava Islama u petom veku. Jos jedan bitan datum je
1054 godina kada se Hriscanska crkva podelila na Katolicku I Pravoslavnu. Carstvo Karolinga se pojavilo u osmom
veku. Umetnost I arhitektura su uglavnom bile u klasicnom stilu, sa arhitekturom u stilu bazilike. U tom period se
ostvario znacajan razvoj I upotreba pesadije I konjice. U razvijenom Srednjem veku, od kada su nastali gradovi I
zivot postao laksi, u Evropi se naglo sirila populacija. Tek u Kasnom Srednjem veku se pojavila bubonicka kuga koja
je odnela trecinu stanovnistva, sto je dovelo do ekonomskog kolapsa. U Razvijenom srednjem veku su prvi put
formirana kraljevstva koja su bila veoma slicna danasnjim drzavama. Iako je bilo mnogo ratova, kuge i smrti u
Srednjem veku, odatle su takodje proizasli umetnost, arhitektura a kasnije I sloboda misljenja.
Kljucne reci: Srednji vek, kraljevstvo, religija, vojska, arhitektura, drzava