Page 82 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 82


                                         BLOG: DNEVNIK MODERNOG ĈOVEKA

               Author: Luka Jevtović VIII1, OŠ “Ujedninjene nacije” Mentor: Olja Milović

               Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II


                      We use computers all the time. There is no house, no school, almost no place in the modern world
               that doesn‟t have a connection to the Internet. There is more than a billion people now using Facebook,
               and that  number  grows  with every  passing  day.  And  the  greatness  of  the  Internet  does  not  stop there.
               There are other social networks, other sites, and recently anew “section” of the Internet joined them - the
               blogs. We use them more than we think. Businessmen use blogs to see the news on the market and to
               check somebody‟s research on a topic. Younger people use blogs as a source of information about their
               problems. Housewives use blogs to see some recipes or some cooking tips. Everybody uses blogs for one
               purpose or the other, but they use them all the same. The problem is that not all of them know what they
               are using,for them it is just another site, and who‟s to blame them, technology came up so suddenly that
               more than half the people does not really know how the computer works and how to use it, so why would
               anyone  expect  them  to  understand  what  a  blog  is  without  some  kind  of  a  guidance  or  source  of
               information. That is the aim of this research.

               Key words: blog, site, Internet, account, Blogger, WordPress, computer

                      Kompjuteri se koriste svakodnevno. Ne postoji kuća, škola, gotovo nijedno mesto u Evropi koje
               nema  internet  konekciju. Trenutno,  više  od  milijardu  ljudi  koristi  Facebook,  i  taj  broj  raste  sa  svakim
               danom.  A  veliĉina  interneta  ne  prestaje  tu.  Postoje  druge  društvene  mreţe,  drugi  sajtovi,  a  skoro  se
               prikljuĉio i novi deo interneta-blogovi. Svi mi ih koristimo ĉešće nego što mislimo. Biznismeni koriste
               blogove da provere trenutna stanja na trţištu ili da provere neĉiji rad na neku temu. Mladi koriste blogove
               kao neiscrpni izvor informacija i rešenja za njihove probleme. Domaćice koriste blogove da vide nove
               recepte i proĉitaju savete za kuvanje. Svako koristi blog iz nekog razloga, ali ih svejedno koriste. Problem
               je u tome što ne znaju svi šta je to blog, iako ga koriste, jer je to samo još jedan sajt za njih. I nemoţemo
               ih kriviti, tehnologija je uznapredovala tako naglo da više od pola ljudi ne zna kako kompjuter funkcioniše
               i kako da ga koriste, pa zašto bi iko oĉekivao da razumeju to bez nakakvog uputstva ili izvora informacija.
               To bi trebao da bude zadatak ovog istraţivanja.

               Kljuĉne reĉi: blog, sajt, internet, nalog, Blogger, WordPress, računar
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