Page 85 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 85
Author:Nina Nikolić Grade: VIII Elementary school: OŠ,,Veselin Masleša’’
Mentor: prof. Olja Milović
Elizabeth I,also known as Elizabeth Tudor,was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558
to 1603, the last of the Tudor monarchs,and ruled over England during its “Golden Age”. She
was a successful ruler, and an exception to the Rule.At that time it was not ordinarily for a
women to be a successful ruler.Those years were difficult for women.They were not treated
like they should be.Proof of this was that middle and poor class of women was not allowed to
go to school.Women are presented as “possessions” to be passed between fathers and
husbands. As for the marriage,women were expected to marry. Unmarried women were
suspicious and tought as witches.Most of english population hoped that marrige would solve
the problem of woman ruling.Women were not believed to be capable of leading forces into
the battle.England had well educated upper class women that were common anywhere in
Europe. This women’s position William Shakespeare described in his plays. Men played
womеn roles in plays because it was not allowed for women to act.The Queen Elizabeth
made a lot changes.The role of the women was different after her reign.
The question is: Was Elizabeth I the one who changed the role of women in society?
Key words: women; witches; queen; married;women’s rights; plays; role;
Elizabeta I,takođe poznata kao Elizabeta Tudor,bila je kraljica Engleske i Irske od 1558 do
1603,poslednja od Tudor monarha,i vladala je Engleskom tokom njenog ’’Zlatnog doba’’.Bila
je uspešna vladarka,i izuzetak u vladavini. U to vreme nije bilo uobičajeno da žena bude
uspešan vladar.Te godine su bile teške za žene. Nisu bile tretirane kao što bi trebalo. Dokaz
za ovo je to što srednjoj i siromašnoj klasi žena nije bilo dozvoljeno da idu u školu.One su
predstavljane kao ’imanje’ koje se prenosilo sa očeva na muževe. Što se tiče braka,od njih
je bilo očekivano da se udaju. Neudate žene su bile sumljive i smatrale su se
vešticama.Većina engleske populacije nadalo se da će brak rešiti problem ženske vladavine.
Smatralo se da žene nisu sposobne da vode ratove. Engleska je imala dobro obrazovanu
višu klasu žena nego bilo gde u Evropi.Ovaj položaj žena je opisan u predstavama Vilijama
Šekspira. Muškarci su imali ženske uloge zato što ženama nije bilo dozvoljeno da glume.
Kraljica Elizabeta je napravila mnoge promene. Uloga žena je bila drugačija posle njene
Pitanje je:Da li je kraljica Elizabeta I ta koja je promenila ulogu žena u društvu?
Ključne reči: žene; veštice; vladavina; brak; uloga; ženskaprava;predstave;