Page 89 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 89


               Autor: Lazar Bjelobaba, VII-2  OŠ „Vladimir Nazor”  Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II

               Mentor-Mirjana Tomovid


               The Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge University is the most famous rowing race in the world.
               Every March since 1829 on the River Thames, the best rowers from Oxford and Cambridge race for their
               universities. That is a traditional boat race which has a lot of fans across the world. Today the Race takes
               place on the last Saturday in March or on the first Saturday in April. The First Boat Race was on 12 March
               1829 at Henley-on Thames in Oxfordshire. After that, the early Boat Races took place at Westminster in
               London,  but  from  1845,  when  Westminster  became  too  crowded,  the  Boat  Race  moved  six  miles  up-
               stream to the country village of Putney. Now the course is part of the Tideway. The class of boats which
               take part are eights and the course is 4 miles and 374 yards long. According to tradition every boat has its
               own  name.  In  December    2002  Cambridge  raced  under  the  names  “Understated“  and  „Subtle“,  while
               Oxford raced under names „Health“ and „Safety“. Members of both teams are traditionally called Blues
               because they wear blue tracksuits. The members of Cambridge team wear light blue and Oxford members
               wear dark blue. The main rowing race is preceded by a race between the two reserve crews called Isis for
               Oxford and Goldie for Cambridge. Every year the Race is watched by a lot of jurnalists and it is filmed by
               BBC and broadcast in 150 countries.

               Key words: rowing race, University, traditional, eights, Blues, Isis, Goldie.


               Veslaĉka  trka  izmeĊu  univerziteta  Oksford  i  Kembridţ  je  najpoznatija  veslaĉka  trka  na  svetu.  Svakog
               marta od 1829 na reci Temzi, najbolji veslaĉi iz Oksforda i Kembridţa se takmiĉe za svoje univerzitete.
               To je  tradicionalna  trka  koja ima  mnogo  oboţavalaca  širom  sveta.  Prva trka je  bila  12  marta  1829  na
               Henliju u oblasti Oksforda.  Posle toga, rane trke su se odrţavale u Vestminsteru u Londonu, ali od 1845,
               kada je Vestminster postao prepun, trka se pomerila 6 milja uzvodno do sela Putni. Danas trka se odrţava
               poslednje subote marta ili prve subote aprila.

               Klasa ĉamaca koji su uĉestvovali su bili osmerci i duţina staze je taĉno 4 milje i 374 jarda. Sada je staza
               deo Tajdveja – plimni pojas koji ide od Tedingtona, prolazi kroz centralni London sve do otvorenog mora.
               Klasa ĉamaca koji su uĉestvovali su bili osmerci i duţina staze je taĉno 4 milje i 374 jarda. Prema tradiciji
               svaki ĉamac ima svoje ime. U decembru 2002 Kembridţ se takmiĉio pod imenima ,,Potcenjeni” i ,,Fini”,
               dok se Oksford trkao pod imenima ,,Zdravlje” i ,,Bezbednost”. Ĉlanovi oba tima se tradicionalno zovu
               Plavi  jer  nose  plave  trenerke.  Ĉlanovi  Kembridţa  nose  svetloplave,  a  ĉlanovi  Oksforda  tamnoplave
               trenerke. Glavnoj trci prethodi trka rezervnih posada koje se zovu Izis za Oksford i Zlatni za Kembridţ.
               Svake godine trku prati mnogo novinara, snima je BBC i emituje se u 150 zemalja.

               Ključne reči: veslaĉka trka, univerzitet, tradicionalna, osmerci, Plavi, Izis, Zlatni.
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