Page 88 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 88
With this work I tried to present you the importance and seriousness of punk movement. You will find out
more about the social, economic and political developments in the UK in the seventies, from which we
can conclude the idea was born.
For young people in the UK, environment had great affect, there were created disaffection and tension,
which changed the way of thinking, the way of dressing and especially the music. You'll learn how and
why young people tried to fight against the cruel capitalist system and to express their views. What did
they want to tell us with their lyrics and music? How did people look at them and did they understand
their true intentions? Who were the important representatives of these ideas, which have left their mark
not only in British music, but also in the world. Did people approve what these young people represented?
How did it all begin, how did it evolve and end?
Keywords: punk, music, government, economy, discontent, rebellion.
Ovim radom pokušala sam da vam pribliţim vaţnost i teţinu punka kao pokreta.Ovde ćete naći
nešto više o socijalnim, ekonomskim i politiĉkim dešavanjima u Velikoj Britaniji sedamdesetih, na osnovu
kojih moţemo zakljuĉiti zašto dolazi do raĊanja ove ideje.
Na mlade ljude u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu okolina je u mnogome uticala, stvarali su se
nezadovoljstvo i tenzija, što se preslikavalo na naĉin razmišljanja, oblaĉenja i pre svega na muziku.
Saznaćete na koji naĉin i zašto, su mladi pokušali da se bore protiv surovog kapitalistiĉkog poretka i
iskaţu svoje stavove. Šta su ţeleli da poruĉe svojim tekstovima i muzikom? Kako ih je okolina gledala i
da li je shvatala njihove iskrene namere? Ko su vaţni predstavnici ove ideje, koji su ostavili traga ne samo
u britanskoj muzici, nego i u svetskoj. Da li je narod odobravao ono šta su ovi mladi ljudi prezentovali?
Kako je sve poĉelo, kako je teklo i na kraju kako se sve to završilo?
Kljuĉne reĉi: pank, muzika, vlast, ekonomija, nezadovoljstvo, bunt.