Page 87 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 87
Sofija Ilic Grade : VII School : OŠ ,, Vojvoda Mišić ,,
Mentor: Olja Milović
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins is one of the most successful and most celebrated singers in the
world,which marked the begginings of 21th century. There‟s no child or student who didn‟t hear
for her and her songs. Having left her homeland and home, Adele wrote songs in which she has
invested so much effort and reached the top. Her awards and her songsaprove how much effort
and hard work she gives to make her dream come true. Every song she write is full of emotions
and things that happends in real life. They are all autobiographical and inspired with events from
her own life. In this article we investigated the influence of Adele‚s life on her songs. We
examined how much people appreciate and do not fully understand her songs, in fact, the reason
why are they listening to her and do they like songs that she writes.
Key words: Adele, music, life, songs, influence.
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins je jedna od najuspešnijih i najproslavljenijih pevaĉica u celom svetu,
koja je obeleţila poĉetak 21. veka. Skoro da nema deteta, uĉenika koji nije ĉuo za nju i njene
pesme. Napustivši svoju domovinu i kuću, Adele je pisala pesme u koje je uloţila mnogo truda i
tako dospela do vrha. Njene nagrade i pesme pokazuju koliko se trudi i uporno radi da bi
ostvarila svoj san. Pesme koje piše supune emocija i stvari koje se dešavaju u stvarnom ţivotu.
Sve su autobiografsk i inspirisane dogaĊajima iznjenog ţivota.U ovom radu istraţivali smo uticaj
Adelinog ţivota na njene pesme.Ispitivali smo koliko je ljudi cene i da li shvataju u potpunosti
njene pesme, ustvari razlog zbog kojeg je slušaju i da li im se sviĊaju pesme koje ona piše.
Ključne reči: Adele, muzika, život, pesme, uticaj.