Page 90 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 90
Author: Jelena Ojkic VIII-2, Mentors: Svetlana Stojevic
The subject of this paper is focused on comparing the tragic fate of Princess Diana with the fates of some
very famous members of Serbian royal families in order to identify similarities. Many aspects of the life
of famous the princess to a greater or less extent, find their match in the lives of many of her Serbian
counterparts - especially Queen Natalia, Queen Draga and Princess Ljubica. The analysis includes the
following aspects: the unhappy childhood, their spouses infidelity in whose shadow they lived, the
popularity with people, the conspiracy - whether real or fictitious, the slavery standards of life in the
royal family and the pride and endurance of these women, despite the odds. Although different in
nature, all these aspects have something in common and that is a deep tragedy. However, this analysis
goes deeper into their personal uniqueness colored by the specific individual features that each
person possesses. The unhappy childhood was unhappy in one way or another, the infidelity of their
husbands and the way they deal with that is different, the conspiracy is real or unproven, and has
different realization. Also, the outer manifestation of their popularity and also the inhibition in terms of
the controlled social and political life wear the veil of the specific time. However, parts of their
destinies intertwine and join in a general fate that seems to be repeated throughout history, creating a
universal mosaic regardless of time and environment.
Key words: Diana, tragedy, royal families, conspiracy, affairs
Predmet ovog rada je poredjenje tragične sudbine princeze Dajane sa sudbinama pojedinih vrlo poznatih
pripadnica srpskih kraljevskih porodica da bi se uočile sličnosti. Brojni aspekti iz života slavne princeze u
vedoj ili manjoj meri nalaze svoju podudarnost u životima mnogih srpskih pandana – pre svega kraljice
Natalije, kraljice Drage i kneginje Ljubice. Analizom su obuhvadeni slededi aspekti: nesredno detinjstvo,
neverstvo njihovih supružnika u čijoj su senci, omiljenost u narodu, zavera – bilo stvarna ili fiktivna,
robovanje normama života u kraljevskoj porodici ali i ponos i izdržljivost tih žena, uprkos nedadama. Iako
su različiti po vrsti, svim tim aspektima zajednička je njihova duboka tragičnost. Medjutim, ta analiza
zalazi i dublje u njihovu lično obojenu posebnost, koju svaka individua manje – više poseduje. Nesredno
detinjstvo je nesredno na ovaj ili onaj način, neverstvo muževa i način na koji se one nose s tim razlikuje
se, zavera je stvarna ili nedokazana i ima razlicite realizacije.Takodje, spoljašnje manifestacije
popularnosti ali i sputanost u okvirima društveno i politički kontrolisanog života nose veo svog vremena.
Ipak, delovi njihovih sudbina preplidu se i povezuju u jednu opštu sudbinu koja kao da se kroz istoriju
ponavlja stvarajudi jedan univerzalni mozaik nezavisno od vremena i okruženja.
Kljucne reci: Dajana, tragedija, kraljevske porodice, zavera, afere