Page 86 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 86


                                              -KAKAV JE ZNAĈAJ GRAFITA

               Ime i prezime : Anđela Stefanovid Škola : OŠ „Nikola Tesla“ Razred  : VII-4

               Regionalni centar za talente Mentor: Olja Milovid


               - Art is a complex mode of expressing emotions, feelings, interests through drawing, painting, singing, dancing ...
               Art can be a product of our feelings . It may arise through boredom . Making graffiti is also an art. Graffiti can be
               seen in the poor parts of town , and even in the urban areas of the city (like advertisement). It is also a form of
               protest, anger, sending the message to people …

               - Graffiti is considered as "street art". So it is definitely kind of art. If the skill is used in the usual way and a practical
               way, then it is considered as craft, not as art. And if the skills is used for commercial purposes it is considered as
               craft and art at the same time . Lately, graffiti can be seen in various and unexpected places. Graffiti have become
               an important part of business  and advertising .

                - Graffiti is a form of art that draws with sprays . If the graffiti is drawn on unauthorized places, this hobby or
               business  is  considered  illegal.  The  artist  is  then  faced  with  various  problems  .  But  despite  this  ,  some  people
               continue to draw graffiti because they love them and they feel free when they draw it .
               -  Many good and bad things is recorded in the history of this type of art . Graffiti experienced a milestone when
               hip-hop became appreciated more than usually . Along with this kind of music, graffiti became more appreciated.

               Key Words : advertising , business , hip-hop music , sprays .


               - Umetnost je složen vid ispoljavanja emocija , osedanja , iteresa , kroz crtanje , slikanje , pevanje, plesanje ...
               Umetnost može nastati kao proizvod naših osedanja . Može nastati kroz dosadu . Crtanje grafita je takođe umetnost
               . Grafiti se mogu videti u siromasnim delovima grada kao i u  urbanim delovima grada (primer su reklame ) . To je
               takođe vid protesta , ljutnje , slanja poruke ljudima ...

               - Grafiti se smatraju uličnom umetnošdu . Pa grafiti su definitivno vid umetnosti . Ukoliko se veština koristi na
               uobičajen i praktičan način , to se onda smatra zanatom , a ne umetnošdu . A ukoliko se veština koristi u
               komercijalne svrhe , smatra se i zanatom i umetnošdu . U poslednje vreme grafiti se mogu nadi na različitim i
               neočekivanim mestima . Grafiti su postali važan deo posla i reklamiranja .

               - Grafiti su vrsta umetnosti koja se crta sprejevima .  Ukoliko se grafiti crtaju na nedozvoljenim mestima , ovaj hobi
               ili posao , se smatra ilegalnim . Umetnik se suočava sa raznim problemima.Ali uprkos tome ljudi nastavljaju da
               crtaju grafite zato što ih vole i osedaju se slobodno crtajudi ih .

               - Mnogo dobrih , a i loših stvari je zabeleženo u istoriji ove vrste umetnosti . Grafiti su doživeli preokret kada je hip-
               hop postao više cenjen nego obicno . Zajedno sa ovom vrstom muzike , grafiti su postali cenjeniji .

               Ključne reči : reklamiranje , posao , hip-hop muzika , sprejevi .
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