Page 80 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 80



               Autori: Nemanja Milanović, Ines Brzanović VII-2
               Elementary school "Bata Bulić", Petrovac na Mlavi
               Republic's Talent Center (Belgrade II)
               Mentor: Bojana Pavlovic, profesor engleskog jezika I knjizevnosti


               Dubstep is a genre of electronic dance music (EDM for short) that originated in South London in England.
               It has risen in the late 1990s as an experiment within the range of related music styles such as Drum and
               Bass (DnB for short), jungle, dub and other related styles. The origins of the genre can be tracked down to
               1980s and the growth of the Jamaican sound system and party scene. In general, a dubstep song features a
               strong bassline. Some of the most famous dubstep musicians and artists were people and groups such as
               Skrillex,  Dillon  Francis,  Klaypex,  Nero,  Zedd,  Kill  the  Noise,  Skream  and  many,  many  others.  The
               earliest dubstep tracks were released in 1998, and were usually released as secondary recordings (B-Sides)
               on extended plays (EP-s). These tracks were experimental remixes that were darker and used less vocals.
               In 2001, this and other types of dark garage music began to be showcased in London's night club "Plastic
               People", which turned out to be a big influence to further development of dubstep. Companies such as Big
               Apple,  Ammunition  and  others  started  using  the  term  "Dubstep"  in  reference  to  a  musical  genre
               somewhere around 2002. One of the earliest supporters of dubstep as a genre was a BBC Radio 1 DJ
               called John Peel, who started playing it from 2003.

               Keywords: Dubstep, EDM, Dark Garage, John Peel, Plastic People, Skrillex


               Dabstep  je  ţanr  elektronske  dens  muzike  (EDM)  koja  je  nastala  u  juţnom  Londonu  u  Ujedinjenom
               Kraljevstvu. Krenuo je da se razvija krajem 1990-ih kao eksperiment u rasponu sliĉnih muziĉkih stilova
               kao što su "Drum and Bass"(DnB), Dţangl, dab i mnogi drugi. Ovaj muziĉki ţanr potiĉe iz 1980-ih, iz
               vremena razvoja zvuĉnog sistema Jamajke. Uopšteno, jedna dabstep pesma u sebi ima jake basove. Neki
               od najpopularnijih muziĉara i umetnika koji us pravili dabstep pesme bili su ljudi ili grupe kao što su
               Skrillex, Dillon Francis, Klaypex, Nero, Zedd, Kill the Noise, Skream i mnogi drugi. Prve dabstep pesme
               su  izbaĉene  1998.  godine,  uglavnom  kao  sporedne  pesme(B-sajdovi)  na  kraćim  albumima  (EP).  Ove
               pesme su bile eksperimentalni remiksi koji su bili mraĉniji i koji su koristili manje vokala. 2001. godine,
               ovaj  i  drugi  ţanrovi  mraĉne  garaţ(Garage)  muzike  su  bili  promovisani  u  Londonskom  noćnom  klubu
               "Plastiĉni  Ljudi"(Plastic  People).  Ispostavilo  se  da  je  ovo  imalo  veliki  uticaj  na  dalji  razvoj  dabstepa.
               Kompanije kao što su Big Epl(Big Apple), Emjunišn(Ammunition) i druge su krenule da koriste izraz
               "Dabstep"  kao  referencu  za  muziĉki  ţanr  negde  oko  2002.  godine.  Jedan  od  ljudi  koji  su  na  poĉetku
               podrţavali dabstep bio je DJ na BBC radiju nazvan Dţon Pil. On je krenuo da pušta dabstep pesme od
               2003. godine.

               Ključne Reči: Dabstep, EDM, Dark Garaž, Džon Pil, Plastični Ljudi, Skrillex
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