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                                                       HELA CELLS

               Autor:  MANOJLOVID MILICA Treda beogradska gimnazija – I razred Regionalni centar za talente Beograd 2

               Mentori: dr ANDRIJANA KLAJN, naučni saradnik,  Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo,
               Univerzitet u Beogradu  DANIJELA STANISAVLJEVID, istraživač - saradnik Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko
               inženjerstvo, Univerzitet u Beogradu   Student-mentor: STEFAN LAZID,

               Iako  je  humani  SOX14  gen  kloniran  i  okarakterisan  pre  više  od  jedne  decenije,  malo  se  zna  o  molekularnim
               mehanizmima i delijskim procesima u koje je uključen. U cilju razjašnjavanja uloge SOX14 u različitim fiziološkim i
               patološkim procesima, kodirajuda sekvenca humanog SOX14 gena uklonirana je u ekspresioni pcDNA3.1 vektor. Cilj
               ovog rada je bio utvrđivanje efikasnosti transfekcije i ekspresije humanog SOX14 gena u HeLa delijama. HeLa delije
               su  kotransfektovane  sa  pcDNASOX14  konstruktom  i  sa  pEGFP-C1  vektorom  sa  kojeg  se  eksprimira  zeleni
               florescentni  protein  (GFP).  Na  osnovu  broja  GFP-pozitivnih  delija  ustanovljeno  je  da  je  16%  HeLa  delija  primilo
               konstrukte. Western blot metodom pokazano je da je i pored relativno niskog nivoa transfekcija, nivo ukupnog
               SOX14 proteina u uzorku transfektovanih delija značajno vedi u odnosu na kontrole (HeLa delije bez transfekcije i
               HeLa transfektovane pcDNA3.1 praznim vektorom). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da strategija,
               pod  opisanim  uslovima  u  ovom  radu,  može  biti  primenjena  za  planirana  dalja  istraživanja  koja  uključuju  i
               proučavanje potencijalne antikancerogene aktivnosti SOX14 proteina preko apoptoznog efekta u HeLa delijama.

               KLJUČNE REČI: Transfekcija, Western blot,  HeLa delije, SOX14


               Although the human SOX14 gene was first cloned and characterized more than a decade ago, little is know about
               its involvement in different molecular mechanisms and cellular processes. In order to elucidate the role of SOX14 in
               diverse  physiological  and  pathophysiological  processes,  coding  sequence  of  human  SOX14  gene  was  cloned  in
               pcDNA3.1 expression vector. The aim of this work was to determine the transfection efficiency and expression of
               human SOX14 gene in HeLa cells. These cells were co-transfected with pcDNASOX14 construct and pEGFP-C1 vector
               containing the sequence coding for Green Florescent Protein (GFP). According to the number of GFP-positive cells,
               16%  of  HeLa  cells  were  successfully  co-transfected.  In  spite  of  relatively  low  transfection  efficiency,  the  overall
               SOX14 protein level was significantly higher in the sample containing transfected cells comparing to the controls
               (HeLa cells without transfection and HeLa cells transfected with pcDNA3.1 empty vector) as revealed by Western
               Blot.  In  accordance  with  the  obtained  results,  we  can  conclude  that  the  proposed  strategy,  under  conditions
               described in this work, can be applied in future research including the analyses of potential anti-cancer activity of
               SOX14 via apoptotic effect in HeLa cells.

               KEY WORDS: Transfection, Western blot HeLa cells, SOX14
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