Page 9 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 9
NEMANJA KUCLJAK Ucenik I razreda Sedme beogradske gimnazije
Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II Mentor: Dr JASMINA GLAMOĈLIJA, viši naučni saradnik
Gljive su deo velike i složene zajednice organizama koja obuhvata: lišajeve, kvasce, plesni, jestive i otrovne
gljive. Svet u kome živimo bio bi neuporedivo drugačiji da u njemu nema gljiva. Složeni životni ciklus gljiva takođe
otežava procenu njihove brojnosti. Još se u dalekoj prošlosti gljive sakupljale iz prirode, kako zbog korišdenja u
ishrani, tako i zbog njihovih lekovitih svojstva. Vedina jestivih gljiva svrstana je u podrazdeo Basidiomycotina, to su
gljive sa najčešdim plodonosnim telom tipa pečuraka, koja su dostigla najviši stepen složenosti i pripadaju
makromicetama. Gljive koje se koriste u ishrani odlikuju se odličnim ukusom i aromom, predstavljaju zdravu hranu
i izuzetno su bogate amino kiselinama, vitaminima i mineralnim materijama, poseduju visok sadržaj vode i
blagotvorno deluju na ljudski metabolizam.Velika vedina gljiva se koristi i u lečenju raznih bolesti, medicinski su
veoma značajne jer su bogate biološkim aktivnim jedinjenjima (sekundarnim metabolitima) od kojih su neki
identifikovani kao aktivni molekuli. Poznato je da utiču na imuni sistem, snižavaju krvni pritisak, imaju
hipoglikemičko, antikoangulantno, antitumorsko antimikrobno, antivirusno i antiinflamatorno dejstvo.
U ovom radu proučavana je antifungalna aktivnost ukupnog etanolnog ekstrakta Agaricus bitorquis (Quel )
Sacc. Za in vitro ispitivanje korišdena je mikrodiluciona metoda, 96 – sistem u kome su korišdene sledede
mikrogljive: Aspergillus fumigatus, A. ochraceus, A. niger, A. versicolor, Penicillium ochrochloron, P.
aurantiogriseum, P. funiculosum i Trichoderma viride. Ekstrakt je pokazao veoma dobru antifungicidnu aktivnost
protiv svih testiranih mikro gljiva na dozno zavisni način. Zaključeno je da ekstrakt samonikle gljive Agaricus
bitorquis pokazuje veoma dobru antifungalnu aktivnost protiv svih testiranih mikroorganizama i može biti veoma
dobar izvor antifungalnih supstanci, što je važno zbog porasta sve vedeg broja mikroorganizama otpornih na
komercijalne lekove.
KLJUČNE REČI : pečurka, Agaricus bitorquis, etanolni ekstrakt, antifungalna aktivnost in vitro
Fungi are part of large and complex communities of organisms that includes: lichens, yeasts, molds, edible,
inedible and poisonous mushrooms. The world in which we live would be incomparably different if there were no
fungi. The complex life cycle of the fungus also makes it difficult to estimate their numbers. Mushrooms were
collected in nature even in the distant past, due to their use in the diet, but also because of their medicinal
properties. Most edible fungi are classified in subphylum Basidiomycotina, in which the most of fungi are
characterized with fruiting body of mushroom type who have reached the highest degree of complexity.
Mushrooms that are used in the diet are characterized by excellent taste and aroma; they are healthy foods and
are extremely rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and have a high water content and beneficial effect on
human metabolism. Huge amount of fungi are used in the treatment of various diseases, medicinal fungi are very
important because they are rich in biologically active compounds (secondary metabolites) some of which are
identified as active molecules. It is known that they enhance the immune system, lowering body temperature and
blood pressure, have hypoglycemic, anticoagulant, antitumor, antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect
In this paper, the antifungal activity of total ethanol extract of Agaricus bitorquis (Quel) Sacc. For the in vitro testing
microdilution method was used and 96 well dilution system. The following micromycetes were used: Aspergillus
fumigatus, A. ochraceus, A. niger, A. versicolor, Penicillium ochrochloron, P. aurantiogriseum, P. funiculosum, and
Trichoderma viride. The extract showed good antifungal activity against all the tested microfungi in a dose
dependent manner. It was concluded that the extract of wild mushroom Agaricus bitorquis showed very good
antifungal activity against all tested microorganisms and can be a very good source of antifungal substances, which
is important due to the growing increase in the number of microorganisms resistant to commercial drugs.
KEYWORDS: mushroom, Agaricus bitorquis, ethanol extract, antifungal activity in vitro