Page 292 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 292
Autor: Boţo Ćorović Sedma beogradska gimnazija II 1
Mentor: Goran Dujković Regionalni Centar za Talente
Kada se odigrala bitka kod Getisburga, sukob izmeĊu Unije i Konfederacije je trajao već više od dve
godine i odneo mnogo ţrtava na obe strane. Bitka kod Getisburga je bila vrhunac tog rata. To je bio
sudar dveju moćnih armija koje su se ĉvrsto drţale svojih ideala, što je dovelo do najkrvavijeg
dogaĊaja u tom ratu, ali i u celokupnoj istoriji ameriĉkog kontinenta. Trodnevni masakr, koji je
trajao od prvog i trećeg jula 1863. je završen pobedom Unije, što je ujedno bila i prekretnica u ratu.
Vojnicima Konfederacije je drastiĉno pao moral, što se pokazalo u još jednoj velikoj bici (Viksburg),
svega dan kasnije gde su ponovo poraţeni. Ubrzo je i general Robert Li podneo ostavku na mestu
generala, koja je bila odbijena od strane predsednika Konfederacije, Dţefersona Dejvisa. Bilo je
pitanje vremena kada će se rat okonĉati u korist Unije. To se dogodilo devetog maja 1865. godine.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Ameriĉki graĊanski rat, Unija, Konfederacija, Getisburg, bitka
When the battle of Gettysburg happened, the war between Union and Confederacy lasted for alredy
two years and took many casualties on both sides. The battle of Gettysburg was the climax of that
war. It was a collision between two powerful armies who were loyal to their ideals, which led to the
bloodiest event of that war, but also in whole history of American continent. Three day massacre,
that happened from 1st, until 3rd July 1863. ended with Union victory, which was a turning point in
war. Confedarate soldiers lost their morale and that was proven in the battle of Vicksburg, which
happened only a day after Gettysburg, where Confederate soldiers had have been defeated again.
Soon, General Robert Lee have resigned, but his resignation was rejected by the president of the
Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. It was only a matter of time when the war is going to end in Union's
favor. That happened on May 9th, 1865.
Keywords: American Civil War, Union, Confederacy, Gettysburg, battle