Page 295 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 295
Autor : Miloš Carević IV razred, Šesta beogradska gimnazija
Mentor: Dragana Mišić
Rat ruza je oruzani sukob dve porodice koje su se borile za prevlast u Engleskoj drţavi. Ovaj
tridesetogodisnji rat obelezio je XV vek u Engleskoj istoriji . Ime dobija po grbovima koje su
zaraćene strane imale . Na kraju pobedjuje treća porodica. Moj rad osim detaljnog opisa rata donosi
i hronoloski prikaz borbi , strateške ciljeve rata i uticaj rata na celo Englesko društvo. Umesto
zakljuĉka pozabavio sam se uticajem rata ruţa na današnje društvo. Da li ima sliĉnosti u vladavini
toga vremena i sadašnjeg doba? Da li se promenio poloţaj ljudi i kako su oni korišćeni tada a kako
sada u ratu ? Na ova pitanja i na mnoga druga odgovoriću u svom radu.
Kljuĉne reĉi : Enleska, rat, ruţa, Jork, Lankester, Tjudor;
War of roses is armed castway of two famillies who fighted for crown in England. This war lasted
for 30 years and marked XV century in History of United Kingdom. It bears name for humps wich
represent two sides.At least third familly stands out as a winner. As i will thoroughly introduce war
activities in choronological order,strategic strives and how did this influence on society. Instead of
standard conclusion I felt free to explore how is war of roses woven into modern life. If there were
similarities between traditional period and modern period? If there were social divergence and how
life style grow during decades? If you are keen on history and this topic feel free to follow my work
and I thing by the end of the work you wil get all required answers
Key words: Englad, war, roses, York, Lancaster, Tudors;