Page 312 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 312

                                       KING MILAN OBRENOVIC (1854-1901)

     AUTOR: STEFAN STOJNIĆ, IV-3  Gimnazija Lazarevac,
     Gimnazija Lazarevac

     Milan Obrenović bio je srpski vladar od 1868. do 1889. godine, prve ĉetiri godine umesto njega vladalo je
     namesništvo. Period namesništva u Srbiji je prošao mirno i bez većih incidenata. Najznaĉajniji dogaĊaj iz
     perioda namesništva je svakako ustav iz 1868. godine, koji će biti vaţeći 20 godina. Godine 1872, Milan je
     postao punoletan i bio je spreman da preuzme vlast. Ubrzo po dolasku na vlast dolazi do rata izmeĊu Srbije i
     Turske, odigrana su dva srpsko-turska rata. U prvom srpska vojska se nije pokazala dobro, dok se u drugom
     kada su za saveznika imali Rusiju pokazala u pravom svetlu. Nakon toga usledio je San Stefanski kongres
     1878.  godine  ĉije  su  odluke  iste  godine  promenjene  na  Berlinskom  kongresu.  Srbija  je  dobila  znaĉajno
     teritorijalno proširenje dobivši 4 okruga. Nakon toga dolazi promene voĊenja spoljne politike Milana a on se
     okreće  Austro-ugarskoj  sklapanjem  tajne  konvencije  1881.  godine.  Već  1882.  godine  Srbija  postaje
     kraljevina a Milan Obrenović prvi novovekovni kralj. Pre abdikcije Milan je vodio još jedan rat, ovoga puta
     protiv Bugarske. Srbija je bila poraţena a Milanova ideja propala. Godinu dana pre povlaĉenja sa prestola
     Milan je doneo najdemokratskiji ustav do tad i to predstvalja moţda i njegov najveći uspeh. Ustavom je
     obezbedio svog naslednika i bio je spreman da se povuĉe. Godine 1889. na isti dan kao i kada je proglasio
     kraljevinu, Milan je objavio da se povlaĉi sa prestola. U Beĉu 1901. godine od teške upale pluća preminuo je
     Milan Obrenović a sahranjen je u Krušedolu pored kneginje Ljubice.

     Kljuĉne reĉi: Milan, Kralj, Tajna konvencija , Ustav iz 1888, Berlinski kongres.


     Milan Obrenovic was a Serbian ruler since 1868 to 1889, but the first four years governorship ruled instead
     of him. The period of  governorship in Serbia passed peacefully and without greater incidents. The most
     significant event during the period of governorship most certainly is constitution from 1868, which will be
     on strength for 20 years. In year 1872 Milan turned 18 years and he was ready to rule. Shortly after getting
     the authority, war broke out between Serbia and Turkey, two Serbian-Turkish wars had happened. In first,
     Serbian army showed up weakly, but in second they had Russia as ally and they showed up great. After war
     congress in San-Stefan happed in 1878, whose decisions have been changed on Berlin congress. Serbia got
     significant territorial expansion, by getting 4 shires. Changes happened in Milans outer politics and he turns
     to  Austro-Hungarian  empire  by  signing  a  secret  convention  in  1881.  Already  in  1882  Serbia  becomes
     kingdom and Milan Obrenovic first king in the new century. Before the abdication Milan led another war,
     this  time  against  Bulgaria.  Serbia  was  defeated.  Year  before  the  abdication  Milan  brought  the  most
     democratic constitution, and that was probably his greatest success. With this constitution he secured his
     inheritor and he was ready to withdraw. Year 1889 on the same day when he proclaimed kingdom, Milan
     announced that he is withdrawing from the throne. In Vienna 1901 Milan Obrenovic died from pneumonia
     and he was buried at Krusedol.

     Key words: Milan, King, Secret convention, constitution from 1888, Berlin congress.
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