Page 307 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 307
Autor: MIHAILO PETROVIĆ, uĉenik I razreda Ţelezniĉke tehniĉke škole
Mentor: Dr STANOJE BOJANIN, Vizantološki institut SANU
Velika seoba naroda, poznata kao Seoba naroda predstavlja naziv za talase velikih migracija u Evropi koji su
se odigrali u periodu izmeĊu druge polovine IV i druge polovine VI veka, a koji su imali dalekoseţne demografske,
politiĉke i kulturne posledice na evropsku i svetsku istoriju. Prvenstveno seoba se odnosi na naseljavanje germanskih
naroda (Goti, Vandali, BurgunĊani, Heruli, Alamani, Langobardi...) u zapadnoj, centralnoj i jugoistoĉnoj Evropi, što
je rezultiralo padu Rimskog carstva na ĉijim će se ruševinama stvoriti politiĉke celine, zaĉetke budućih nacija,
odnosno konaĉnog kraja antiĉke kulture koju će zameniti srednjovekovna u periodu koji se ĉesto naziva Mraĉno
Kao poĉetak Velike seobe se tradicionalno uzima godina 375. kada je došlo do provale Huna na podruĉje
istoĉne Evrope odakle su Goti potisnuti na zapad, što je izazvalo lanĉanu reakciju varvarskih naroda kako onih sa
istoĉne strane carstva (Gote, Vandale, Burgunde...) tako i onih sa zapadne strane (Sveve, Gepide, Angle, Sase...) . Ta
reakcija germansih naroda dostigla je vrhunac mnogo godina posle provale Huna, taĉnije 476 godine, kada je voĊa
varvarskih plaćenika Odoakar konaĉno srušio Rim. Ovaj dogaĊaj, opšte prihvaćen je kao kraj Starog veka i kao kraj
prve etape Velike seobe naroda koja se završila zakljuĉno sa Justinijanovim osvajaĉkim ratovima u Italiji, Severnoj
Africi i Španiji, dok će druga etapa Velike seobe biti završena zakljuĉno sa naseljivanjem Langobarda u Italiju.
Bitno je naglasiti da dogaĊaje koje je proizvela Seoba naroda nisu bili iznenadni, već su predstavljali jedan
dugotrajni proces transformacije rimskih tekovina u varvarsko (germansko) nasleĊe.
Large migration of people, known as the migration of people, represents the name of the great „waves‟ of
migration in Europe which took place during the second half of IV and the other half of the VI century, which had
far-reaching demographic, political and cultural consequences on European and world history. In the first place,
migration refers to the settlement of Germanic people (Goths, Vandals, Burgunds, The Heruli, Almanac,
Lombards…)in the western, central and southeastern Europe, which resulted in the decline of the Roman Empire on
the ruins of which will be created political units, the beginnings of the future nations, and final end of the ancient
culture that will be replaced by medieval one in the period which is often called „Dark period‟.
As the beginning of the Great Migration traditionally is taken the year 375 , the year when the huns came to
Eastern Europe where the Goths were pushed westward, causing a chain reaction of barbarian nation-the ones from
the eastern side of Empire (Goths, Vandals, Burgundies…), such as those from the western side (Suebi, Gepids,
Angles, Sas…)That reaction of Germanic people reached its top many years after the Huns, more precisely 476
when the leader of barbarian mercenaries Odoacer finally destroyed Rome. This event is generally accepted as the
end of the old century and the end of the first stage of the Great Migration which ended together with Justinian wars
of conquest in Italy, North Africa and Spain, while the second stage of the Great Migration ended together with
settlement of Lombards in Italy. It is important to emphasize that events produced by the migration of people were
not sudden, but represented a long-lasting process of transformation of Romanian achievements into a barbarian
(Germanic) heritage.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Rimsko carstvo, seoba naroda, Goti, Huni
Key words: The Roman Empire, migration of peoples, The Goths, The Huns