Page 331 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 331
Autor: JOVANOVIĆ NEVENA Zubotehniĉka škola Razred:treći
Mentor: Prof. STANOJE BOJANIN Istorijski institut Beograd
Arhajsko doba donelo je mnoge promene. Dolazi do prodora drugih naroda, koji su srušili tekovine
mikenske kulture, i osnivanja novih polisa.(9. vek pren.e.) Jedan od tih polisa koji je nastao je
Sparta, koja je zahvaljujući strogom vaspitanjui obuci vojnih jedinica, postala najmoćnija drţava
ondašnjeg sveta.
Strogo vaspitanje doprinelo je tome da se Sparta proširi i zavede svoju hegemoniju (4. vek pre n. e.)
koja je bila kratkog veka. Spojili su susedne polise i osnovali savez sa svojom prevlašću. Mnogima
to nije odgovaralo pa je ĉesto dolazilo do pobuna. Njih su Spartanci surovo gušili. Dolazi do jaĉanja
okolnih drţava (Teba i Makedonija) tako da Sparta vremenom gubi svoju moć. Našla se pod vlašću
Makedonije , a kasnije i Rimskog carstva.
Zanimalo me je zašto su to radili. Po mom mišljenju ,na neki naĉin to je bilo i fiziĉko i psihiĉko
maltretiranje. Koristeći preporuĉenu literaturu saznala sam više o tome. Zakljuĉila sam da su sve
radili u cilju stvaranja što moćnije drţave, a ujedno i surove. Jednostavno, znalo se ko je glavni,
kakva su njena prava i moć nad drugima. Da je bilo drugaĉije, Sparta ne bi ostala kroz istoriju kao
simbol sile i strogog vaspitanja, već kao obiĉan polis helenistiĉkog sveta.
Arhaic era brought a lot of changes. The other nations that begin to invade, teared down remaining
Micena culture, and foundate a new polysses( 9 century before Christ ). One of those polysses was
Spartha, which, thanks to its hard education and training of military units, became the most
powerfull state in that time.
Hard raising led Spartha geting bigger and seting hegemony( in 4 century before christ ), which
didn`t last for too long. Sparthans joined nearby polisses and made a union under their govermant.
Often there were rebelians because many didn`t agree with this kind of power. Sparthans cruelly put
down those rebelians. Neighberhood states are getting stronger as well (Theba and Macedonia) so
Spartha loses its power as time goes by. State was under Macedonians, and later on, The Roman
I was interested why they were doing that. My opinion is that, in some way, it was a phisical and
psichological exsosture. By using recommended litteratury, I found out more about this subject. I
came to conclusion that everything they did back then, was for a goal of making the most powerfull,
but also a cruell state. Simply, you always knew who is in charge of everything, what were the
wrights and power above other people . If it was any different, Spartha wouldn`t stand through
history as a symbol of power and hard raising and education of their children, but as a nameless
poliss of Helenic culture.
Kljuĉne reĉi:Vaspitanje, moć, snaga, drţava i rat.
Key words: Education, power, strenght, state and war.