Page 337 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 337


     Ucenik:Jovana Kovacevic, II razred Gimnazija Lazarevac
     Mentori: profesor Mirjana Stanisic Gordana Predic


     U ovom radu sledi prikaz stanja zena u jednim od najstarijih ljudskih civilizacija; njihove sudbine,
     rad, ideje i vojevanja koja su neposredno menjala svet, gradila istoriju, u svakom njenom segmentu.

     Saznacemo sta je uticalo i preovladalo da izgrade svoj pogled na svet, da deluju imenjaju ga; ko su i
     sta su doprinele najvece zene starog veka; u kom su polozaju zene danas u odnosu na stari vek. To je
     mali pokusaj da se iskaze velicanstvenost zene, koji ce mozda biti doprinos novom sagledavanju

     njene uloge u svetskoj istoriji.

     Kljucne reci: zena,stari vek,doprinos.


     What follows in this work is an overview of the condition of women in one of the oldest human
     civilization; their destinies, works, ideas and struggles that constantly changed the world, building

     history in each of it segments.We will find out what influenced and prevailed for women to develop
     their oun point of view, to act and change it; who were the greatest women of the Old Age; what was
     their contribution, as well as the contribution of women today relative to the Old Age.This is a small
     attempt to show a greatness of woman and might be a small contribution to understanding her role in

     world history.

     Key words: woman, Old Age, contribution.
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