Page 441 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 441



               Autor: Jovana Karanovid, Geološka i hidrometeorološka škola “Milutin Milankovid”, Beograd

               Mentor: dr Snežana Nenadovid, naučni saradnik, Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“

                      Voda je izvor života na Zemlji. Život je nastao u vodi i postoji zahvaljujući njoj. U 21. veku
               ona je postala najznačajniji prirodni resurs i smatra se da je ovo vek borbe za kontrolu preostalih
               izvora  čiste  vode.  Prilikom  kruženja  vode  u  prirodi  ona  se  zagađuje,  a  najčešće  je  to
               prouzrokovano delatnošću čoveka (antropogeno zagađenje). Posledica zagađenja je sve veća
               nestašica vode i prema podacima Međunarodnog fonda za decu i omladinu (UNICEF), četvrtini
               stanovništva nije dostupna neophodna količina vode za osnovne potrebe, a više od 110 miliona
               dece godišnje umre zbog problema zagađene vode. Teški metali veoma su često zastupljeni u
               zagađenim vodama. Najčeše su prisutni živa, cink, olovo, kadmijum, bakar i hrom. Oni u većini
               slučajeva u vodu dospevaju preko industrijskih otpadnih voda. Jedan od načina uklanjanja teških
               metala  iz  vode  je  i  pomoću  geopolimera. Geopolimeri  su  trodimenzionalni  aluminosilikati, koji
               danas imaju široku primenu. Sastoje se od tetraedarskih jedinica silikata i aluminate u različitim
               odnosima,  čvrsti  su,  stabilni  i  nezapaljivi.  U  ovom  radu  prikazane  su  metode  rada  i  rezultati
               istraživanja na temu “Geopolimeri i njihova primena u filtraciji teških metala iz vode”. Cilj rada je
               upoznavanje javnosti sa geopolimernim materijalima i njihovom primenom, kao i podizanje svesti
               o problemu zagađivanja voda, ali i čitave životne sredine.

               Ključne reči: Geopolimeri, teški metali, filtracija, efekat imobilizacije

                      Water is the source of life on Earth. Life originates from water and it exists thanks to it. In
               the  21  century,  it  has  become  the  most  important  natural  resource,  and  this  century  is
               considered  to  be  the  century  of  struggle  for  control  of  remaining  clean  water  sources.  It  is
               considered that this century struggle for control of the remaining sources of clean water. During
               the hydrological cycle water becomes polluted (or can contaminate). This pollution is most often
               caused by humans (anthropogenic pollution). The consequence of water pollution is a growing
               scarcity  of  water  and  according  to  the  data  of  the  International  Children's  Fund  (UNICEF  )  a
               quarter of the population does not have access to necessary quantities of water for their basic
               needs, and more than 110 million children die each year because of contaminated water. Heavy
               metals  are  often  present  in  polluted  waters.  Most  commonly  found  are  mercury,  zinc,  lead,
               cadmium,  copper  and  chromium.  In  most  cases  they  originate  from  industrial  waste  waters.
               Geopolymers  represent  one  way  to  remove  heavy  metals  from  the  water.  Geopolymers  are
               three-dimensional aluminosilicate, which are widely used today. They consist of tetrahedral units
               of  silicate  and  aluminate  with  different  ratio,  they  are  strong,  stable  and  nonflammable.  This
               document presents the methods and results of the research with topic "Geopolymers and their
               application  in  filtration  of  heavy  metals  from  water".  Aim  of  this  document  is  to  acquaint  the
               public with geopolymeric materials and their application, as well as to raise awareness of the
               water pollution problem, but also of problem of environmental pollution.

               Key words: geopolymers, heavy metals, filtration, effect of immobilization
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