Page 451 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 451
Autor: Jovo Kapor, IV razred, učenik srednje mašinske škole “Radoje Dakić”, Beograd
Mentor: Mr Danijela Obradović, Geografski fakultet, Beograd
Ozelenavanje krovova je jedan od malobrojnih načina vraćanja zelenila u urbano naseljene sredine. Gradovi
se šire i razvijaju, uništavaju šume i poljane, a sve je manje neophodnih zelenih površina. Gradska zelenila
postaju neophodna i ona su jedino moguće rešenje zaštite kvaliteta vazduha. Krovni vrtovi poboljšavaju
ekološke i klimatske uslove, smanjuju buku u gradu i stvaraju zelene oaze u vazduhu. Ozelenavanje krovova
se razvilo u Nemačkoj šezdesetih godina dvadesetog veka, u kojoj je već oko 10% krovova ozelenjeno, a
raširilo se na ostale države poput Italije, Holandije, Švajcarske, Austrije, Švedske, Engleske i Grčke. Jedne
od najpoznatijih su Cannon roof garden u Londonu i zgrada gradske skupštine u Čikagu. Ovaj rad je napisan
u želji za očuvanjem i povratkom zelenila u gradove, koji su ga zbog širenja i razvijanja olako odbacili i
zaboravili koliko je ono važno našoj prirodi.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Krovni vrt, zelenilo, vazduh, klima, priroda, grad.
Creating green roofs is one of the few ways of restoring vegetation in most populated areas. Cities expand
and devolp, destroy forests and fields, and there is less necessary green areas. Urban greenery becomes
necessary and they are the only possible solution to protect air quality. Roof gardens enhance the
environmental and climatics conditions, reduce noise in the city and create a green oasis in the air. Creating
green roofs devolped in Germany in the sixties of the twentieth century, which was alredy about 10% of the
roofs geened. It spread to other countries shuch as Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden,
England and Greece. One of the most famous are the Cannon roof garden in London and the city hall
building in Chicago. This work was written in order to preserve vegetation and return to the cities that it was
due to expansion and devolpment of easily dismissed and forgotten how important it is our nature.
Key words: Roof garden, vegetation, air, climate, nature, city.