Page 447 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 447


               Autor: Tijana Ivanovid Treda beogradska gimnazija, Mentor: Snježana Rakovid

                                                          1. Rezime

               Rad analizira postojede tehnologije u upravljanju otpadnim gumama i ukazuje na moguda kretanja u ovoj oblasti u
               skorijoj bududnosti. U zemljama gde je ovo pitanje zakonski uređeno na bezbedan način, sa gumama se postupa u
               skladu  sa  hijerarhijom  upravljanja  otpadom,  dakle  gume  se    protektiraju,  recikliraju  i  prerađuju  u  ekonomski
               isplative  sirovine  i  koriste  kao  energenti.  Gumeni  reciklati  mogu  se  koristiti  u  razne  svrhe,  pre  svega  u
               građevinarstvu. Netretirane otpadne gume imaju veliku primenu u cementnoj industriji jer u skladu sa zakonom u
               Srbiji mogu zameniti druge energente (konvencionalna fosilna goriva) i do 12% . Takođe neki sastojci koji ulaze u
               sastav gume neophodni su u proizvodnji cementa, pa guma ima veliku materijalnu i ekonomsku vrednost u odnosu
               na  cementni  klinker.  U  zbrinjavanju  guma  u  svetu  prednjači  EU  sa  Norveškom  i  Švajcarskom  sa  95%  učinka.
               Deponovanje  guma  je  zakonom  zabranjeno  od  2006.  godine  u  EU,  u  SAD  se  tome  teži,  dok  je  u  Srbiji  ovakva
               regulativa doneta 2009. godine. U Srbiji se godišnje odbaci oko 26000 tona gume, a smatra se da je još najmanje
               50000 tona zarobljeno na deponijama, kako legalnim tako i ilegalnim. Konstantan rast potražnje otpadnih guma
               može dovesti do toga da se nagomilane gume na deponijama postepeno raščiste. Važno je ulagati u ovaj privredni
               sektor jer se time ne samo podstiče nova, važna grana privrede ved se života sredina čisti od zagađivača. Korist je u
               tom slučaju opšta. Zbog ubrzanog globalnog iscrpljivanja sirovina, posebno nafte i njenim derivata, očekuje se da de
               gume u bududnosti biti tretirane kao dragoceni resurs, a postrojenja usavršena radi maksimalnog učinka.

               Ključne reči: otpadne gume, pneumatici, upravljanje otpadom, reciklaža gume, cementare, deponije...

                                                         1. Summary

               The  paper  analyzes  the  existing  technologies  in  the  management  of  waste  tires  and  points  to  possible
               developments in this area in the near future. In countries where this issue is legally regulated in a safe manner, the
               tires are handled in accordance with the waste management hierarchy. They are being retreated, recycled and
               processed into economically viable raw material or used for obtaining energy. Rubber recyclates can be used for
               various purposes, mainly in construction. Untreated waste tires are widely used in the cement industry because
               according to the Serbian law, they can replace other energy sources (conventional fossil fuels) up to 12%. Also
               some of the ingredients that are included in the tire composition are essential in the production of cement and so
               tire has great economic value in relation to the cement clinker. In disposing of tires in the world, EU with Norway
               and Switzerland are far ahead with 95% efficiency. In the EU deposition of tires in landfills is prohibited by law since
               2006. , U.S. strives towards it, while in Serbia, such legislation passed in the 2009.  Every year in Serbia about 26000
               tons of tires are thrown away. It is believed that at least 50000 tons more are trapped in landfills, both legal and
               illegal ones.  The constant growth in demand of tires  can lead to gradual clearing up  of accumulated tires. It is
               important to invest in this sector because it does not only encourage important branch of the economy, it also
               makes our living environment free from pollution. The benefits are in this case general. Due to the rapid depletion
               of resources, especially oil and its derivatives, it is expected that tires becomes threated as a precious resource,
               while facilities improve for maximum performance in recycling process.

               Keywords: tires, pneumatics, waste management, rubber, cement factory, landfills...
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