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Antifungal activity of ethanol extract wild mushroom Agaricus bitorqui  ( Quel ) Sacc.

                                                    Nemanja Kucljak
                              Centar za mlade talente Beograd II, Beograd,


          Introduction                                            Fungi            mg/ml   A.bitorquis   Ketoc   Bifon
                   Fungi are part of large and complex communities of                            Et
          organisms  that  includes:  lichens,  yeasts,  molds,  edible,   A. fumigatus    MIC   3.120    0.200    0.150
          inedible  and  poisonous  mushrooms.  The  world  in  which              MFC     6.250      0.500      0.200
          we live would be incomparably different if there were no   A. versicolors   MIC   0.390    0.200    0.100
          fungi. The complex life cycle of the fungus also makes it   A. ochraceus   MIC   0.390    0.150    0.150
          difficult  to  estimate  their  numbers.  Mushrooms  that  are           MFC     3.120    0.200    0.200
          used  in  the  diet  are  characterized  by  excellent  taste  and   A. niger   MIC   1.560      0.200     0.150
          aroma;  they  are  healthy  foods  and  are  extremely  rich  in         MFC     6.250    0.500  0.200
          amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and have a high water   T. viride    MIC     0.780    0.200     0.100
          content  and  beneficial  effect  on  human  metabolism.   P. funiculosum   MIC   1.560    2.500   0.200
          Representatives of the fungi  are used in the treatment of               MFC     3.120    3.500    0.250
          various  diseases,  medicinal  fungi  are  very  important   P. ochrochloron   MIC   1.560      0.200      0.200
          because  they  are  rich  in  biologically  active  compounds            MFC     3.120    0.500  0.250
          (secondary  metabolites)  some  of  which  are  identified  as   P. aurantiogriseum   MIC   1.560     1.000     0.150
          active molecules.

          Materials and Methods                                 From  the  table  (1)  we  can  see  that  the  extract  of  A.  bitorquis  showed
                                                                good antifungal activity somewhere even better than synthetic antifungal
                  The  paper  used  fruiting  bodies  of  mushrooms  city
          A.bitorquis  collected  in  June  2014  in  the  locality  of
          Mirijeva (near Belgrade).
          Fungi were identified based on the keys and literature (1),
          lyophilized  (LH  Leybold,  Lyovac  GT2,  Frenkendorf,
          Switzerland) and crushed to a fine powder. Total ethanol
          extract  powder  (2)  was  used  for  in  vitro  testing
          microdilution method, 96 - fungal defense system (3).
          Results and Discussion

               Based  on  these  results  it  can  be  concluded  that  the
          different  types  Micromycete  differently  sensitive  to
          ethanol  extract  of  the  city  mushrooms.  The  greatest
          resistance showed the fungus A. fumigatus, A. niger and P.
          aurantiogriseum, while the most sensitive fungus T. viride.
          Comparing  the  antimicrobial  activity  of  extracts  and
          synthetic  antifungal  drugs  may  be  noted  that  the  extract   Conclusion
          had  the  same  or  similar  inhibitory  values  in  some
          Micromycete.  In  everyday  life,  people  are  in  constant
          contact  with  fungal.They  are  so  widespread  in  our   The extract showed good antifungal activity against all the
                                                                test  fungi  at  the  micro-dose-dependent  manner.  It  was
          environment  to  thousands  of  spores  inhaled  or  enter  the
          body through ingestion every day. Applying of the city of   concluded  that  the  extract  of  wild  mushrooms  Agaricus
          mushrooms Agaricus bitorquis in the diet could certainly   bitorquis  can  be  a  very  good  source  of  antifungal
          have a beneficial effect on the human body in conditions
          when  exposed  to  different  types  of  fungal  infections.   Literature
          Excessive  use  of  commercial  antifungal  drugs  in  the   (1)  Hadžić,  I.  (2012):  Priručnik  za  branje  jestivih  i
          treatment of humans and animals has led to microorganism   lekovitih gljiva, EDICIJA, Beograd
          resistence. The search for new substances refers to edible   (2)    Cheng et al. (2008)
          fungi as yet insufficiently explored and promising.
                                                                (3)  Douk,  K.D.,  Dagher,  M.S.,  Sattout,  J.E.,  1995.
                                                                Antifungal  activity  of  the  essential  oil  of  Origanum

                                                                syriacum L. Journal of Food Protection 58, 1147–1149
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