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                                         ČAKLJANAC ANF ŠTEFANAC

                                                         Sonja Babac

                                                         27 .marta 25a
                                                                walking  trails  and  bike  trials,  various  terrains,    would  also
                                                                provide  a  wide  range  of  sports  and  activities.  Also,  natural
                                                                environment by building green buildings would not be in  danger
          INTRODUCTION                                          and  Čakljanac  island  should  be  planned  as  an  complex    of
                                                                institutes: ecological, biological, zoological and botanical, which
                                                                would  improve  condition  of  working  end  researching    of  our
          River islands Forkontumac, Čakljanac and Štefanac, intact pearls   students  and  scientists.  There  could  be  organized  various
          of  nature  are  located  near  the  main  center      of  Belgrade  and   educational  tours  like  eco-safaris  for  example:  birds  looking,
          Pancevo.  Part  of  the  rich  series  of  Danube's  islands,   cruises  along  the  canals  and  ponds,  nature  researching.  The
          ornithological  habitats,  the  connection  place  of  Panonia  and   Forkontumac should have the large  picnic space where visitors
          Šumadija.  These  river  islands  have  been  completely  neglected,   would enjoy in nature.
          despite their large recreation and tourism potentials.

                                                                Regulation of river islands  Forkontumac, Čakljanac and Štefanac
          Using  many  sources  I  met  with  the  situation  on  the  Danube's   in  environmentally  acceptable  way  ,  as  is  the  "Green
          islands Forkontumac, Čakljanac and Štefanac. On Forkontumac   Architecture" is the ideal solution to their urbanization and spatial
          island exist sandy beach, a weekend village and some restaurants.   revitalization without spoiling their natural value. What is most
          The rest of the island and the other two islands are uninhabited   important, the citizens would get the unique space for recreation,
          and  covered  with  forest.  These  river  islands  belong  to  the   family  being  outdoors,  research,  training,  enjoyment  and
          Municipality  of  Pancevo,  you  can  got  there  by  boat,  a  public   relaxation. As  we  know nowadays  we are  much  more  estrange
          transport  is organized  from  Belgrade  and  Pancevo  on  summer.   from  nature  which  is  why  in  the  future  in  a  modern  and
          On  the  islands  there  is  no  electricity  and  drinking  water.   environmentally friendly way need to get her back.
          Electricity is supplied from the aggregate or solar panels, while
          drinking  water  people  bring  there  with  them.  On  the  basis  of
          previous studies it was concluded that the spatial evaluation and    LITERATURE
          revitalization of this area is necessary in the distant future. On the
          other hand, "Green Architecture", now days popular trend in the   1.Amidžić, L., Krasulja, S., Belij, S. 2007: Zaštićena prirodna
          world,  which  the  use  of  environmental  friendly  technologies,   dobra Srbije, Beograd.
          materials and methods and insist on efficient energy resources in   2.Lješević, М. А. 2010: Životna sredina teorija i metodologija
          the construction of the building is very acceptable solution.   istraživanja. Beograd.
          Picture 1: Green building       Picture 2: Grass facade


          Today, almost unexploited river islands Forkontumac, Čakljanac
          and Štefanac, in the future could be much more. Refuge from the
          city noise, for a brief respite from the daily duties, travel, science,
          sports and recreation complex. The goal of this work is to merge
          modern  and  naturally,  respecting  the  trend  of  returning  in
          harmony life with nature or "The road to a greener future" and
          ecological  way  of  thinking.  This  can  be  achieved  by  the
          construction  of  green  buildings  with  grass  roofs  and  facades.
          Danube islands Forkontumac, Čakljanac and Štefanac would thus
          become a unique park and recreation areas, although to preserve
          their  natural  environment.  In  fact,  one  planned  ecological
          friendly village would be  the  right answer to today's unplanned
          built village with the problems of supply. Also, we need to think
          of  sports  and  recreational  zone,  which  would  be  the  Štefanac
          island    with  its  swimming  pools,  adventure  and  aqua  park,
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