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The attitude towards environment, the relationship with yourself
                                                     Milica Vićentijević

                                                      Nova 10 number 61


               Environment  is  everything  that  surround  us,  all
               nature  and  all  artificially  created.  We  (people)   Of the total number of respondents 2/3 knows what is the
               destroy  nature,  and  what  we  create  artificial  harm   environment.  People  think  that  the  environment  is
               ourselves  and  the  entire  planet  Earth.  We  need  to   apartment and that would be a problem to separate waste at
               reduce  pollution.  We  must  start  with  ourselves,   source. People are not aware of how they can contribute to
               because an individual can do a lot. A group of people   the preservation of the environment. Still want to volunteer
                                                                  and  contribute  to  environmental  conservation.  Almost
               usually  did  not  come  to  big  achievements.  So  that   everyone said you would in future be more careful on the
               man  can  influence  a  man  to  waste  separation  was   environment.important,  and  there  are  those  who  do  not
               normal everyday.                                   know  and  think  they  have  more  important  things.  Most
                                                                  respondents said that there is no room in the.


                                                                  People are interested, but they should be encouraged to be
                                                                  more  active.  They  need  guidance  on  how  to  properly
                                                                  resolve  the  waste  and  thus  contribute  to  a  better  life  for
                                                                  future generations. Waste is money that we casually throw
                                                                  around  us.  People  were  not  able  to  separate  the  waste.
                                                                  Illegal  landfills  are  something  that  can  be  seen  at  every

                                                                  step,  the  laws  are  not  enforced  and  if  we  do  not  do
                                                                  something, we'll be swamped with garbage.
               Method of operation

                We've polled 134 people: 22 people of 10 years, 11-
               20 years, 78 people, 25 people of 50 years and 7
               persons over 60 years. I made a survey of 19
               questions to be answered and requested clarification
               on certain issues.
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