Page 224 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 224


                                           WATER AS UNIVERSAL SOLVENT

                               Učenik: Ilija Jeremid, VII razred osnovne škole „ Jovan Sterija Popovid ”

                             Mentor: Nikola Durčid, student III godine Tehološko-metalurškog fakulteta


               U  radu  su  diskutovane  osobine  vode  kao  rastvarača.  Ukazano  je  na  povezanost    hemijske

               strukture vode i polarnosti veza u molekulu vode sa osobinama vode kao rastvarača. Detaljnije

               su diskutovani mehanizmi rastvaranja neorganskih jedinjenja pradeni  procesima elektrolitičke

               disocijacije, kao i procesi rastvaranja neelektrolita.


               Properties  of  water  as  a  solvent  were  discussed.  It  was  pointed  to  the  relations  between

               chemical structure of water and bond polarities in its molecule and ability of water as solvent.

               Mechanisms  of  dissolving  inorganic  compound,  followed  by  electrolytic  dissociation  and

               dissolving non-electrolytic compounds were elaborated in some details.
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