Page 221 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 221


                                    IRON IN THE APPLES-OLD TIMES MEDICINE

               AUTORI: Lukid Đorđe-učenik VIII razreda OŠ,,Vuk Karadžid’’ Beograd, Bekid Filip- učenik VIII razreda
               OŠ,,Vuk Karadžid’’ Beograd

               MENTOR: Ljiljana Grkovid-profesor hemije u OŠ,,Vuk Karadžid’’Beograd


               Pratedi  staro  verovanje,da  ako  gvozdene  eksere  stavite  u  jabuku,ta  jabuka  de

               (pojedena)biti odličan lek protiv Anemije,mi smo započeli projekat da otkrijemo
               ima li gvožđa u samim jabukama i da li ce procenat gvožđa porasti ako stvarno

               stavimo gvozdene eksere u te jabuke.Ali da bi ovaj test bio izazovniji,uradili smo
               istu stvar i sa limunovima.i na kraju smo otkrili da de biti više gvožđa u jabukama
               ako u njih stavimo gvozdene eksere,ali u limunovima de ga biti još više,pa ako ste

               planirali da iskoristite te jabuke kao lek,bolje uzmite limunove.


               Folowing the old bilife,that if you put iron nails in the apple,that apple (if eaten)

               will be a good medicine against Anemia,we started the project to discover is there
               any iron in the apples alone and will it per-centage grow if we realy put some iron

               nails in those apples.But to make this test more chelenging we did the same thing
               to lemons.And finaly we dicovered that there will be more iron in the apples if you
               put some iron nails in them,but in lemons will be even more iron,so if you planed

               to use those apples as medicine,better take lemons.
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