Page 314 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 314


    Autor:LAZAR VUKASINOVIC VII razred, OS ''Miroslav Antic'' ,Beograd
    Mentor: Vesna Rajšić, profesor matematike, Elektrotehniĉka škola ,,Nikola


    Prvi sistem brojeva je nastao u IX veku, iz indijskog brojevnog sistema, od strane Persijskog astronoma
    Abu  Mašara  (Abu  abu-Mas‟har)  i  prošireni  ka  Arapskom  svetu  dalje  na  zapad.
    Indijski  naĉin  zapisivanja  brojeva  bio  je  temelj  evropskom  naĉinu  zapisivanja  koji  je  danas  jako
    proširen.  No,  oni  nisu  prenešeni  iz  Indije  u  Evropu,  već  je  njihov  medij  bio  arapski  narod.
    Popriliĉno  razliĉiti  brojevni  sistemi  su  simultano  korišceni  na  arapskom  poluostrvu  dugi  niz
    godina.Jedni  od  najkoriscenijih  sistema  brojeva  su:binarni,dekadni,oktalni  i  heksadekadni.Bez  npr.
    binarnog sistema komjuterski svet ne bi bio moguc.

    Kljucne reci:sistem brojeva,Abu Masar,binarni,dekadni,oktalni,heksadekadni


    The first  number system  was created  in the ninth century,  from the Indian  numbering  system,  by  the
    Persian  astronomer  Abu  Masar  (Abu-abu  Mas'har)  and extended  to the Arab world to the west. The
    Indian  way  of writing numbers  was the foundation of  European way of  writing  that  has become very
    enlarged.  No,  they  are not  transmitted  from India  to Europe,  but their medium  was  Arab nation. Quite
    different numbering systems are simultaneously used in the Arabian Peninsula,for many years.One of the
    most widely used system of numbers are: binary, decade,octal,hexadecimal

    Key words:number system,Abu Mashar,binary,decimal,octal,hexadecimal
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