Page 312 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 312


    Autor: Dijаnа Urošević VII-4, OŠ „Vladimir Nazor“ Ţeleznik, Beograd
    Mentor: Vesna Rajšić, profesor matematike, Elektrotehniĉka škola ,,Nikola


           Kroz  ovaj  kratki  autorski  rad  upoznaćemo  se  sa  Arhimedom,  njegovim
    stvaralaštvom, i njegovom zaduţbinom koju nam je ostavio. Ono što je najbitnije ostavio
    je  jednu  nedoumicu  i  jedan,  sada  već  rešen,  problem.  To  je  konstanta  Pi.  Jedna  od

    najinteresantnijih  konstanti  kojom  su  se  nauĉnici  bavili  dugo  posle  Arhimeda.
    Predstavljala je pravi izazov za mnoge matematiĉare da bi do kraja završili niz decimala i
    da bi što taĉnije odredili vrednost ove konstante. Prolazile su godine, decenije, vekovi pa

    i milenijumi da bi se nakraju ipak svi sloţili da ova konstanta nema preciznu vrednost
    već  da  se  njena  veliĉina  zaokruţuje  na  pribliţnu.  Arhimed  je  ovoj  konstanti  našao
    primenu u više matematiĉkih, fiziĉkih i drugih oblasti.


        Through this short work of the author, one would become familiar with Archimedes,
    his work, and his legacy. The most important thing he left is a dilemma and one, now
    already solved, problem. It is the constant Pi. It is one of the most interesting constants
    which scientists have dealt with long after Archimedes. It has been a real challenge for

    many  mathematicians  to  complete  a  series  of  decimals  to  its  end  and  to  accurately
    determine the value of this constant. The years, decades, centuries, and even millennia
    have passed for all to agree in the end that this constant has no precise value, and that its

    value  is  rounded  to  an  approximate  one.  Archimedes  found  the  application  for  this
    constant in several mathematical, physical and other areas.
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