Page 316 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 316
Autor: MIROSLAV POPOVIĆ VII razred OŠ ‟‟Despot Stefan Lazarević‟‟, Beograd
Mentor: prof. VESNA RAJŠIĆ Elektrotehniĉka škola ‟‟Nikola Tesla‟‟, Beograd
U radu je obraĊen pojam kongruencije sa prikazom njenih teorema i pravila. Opisuje se i
odnos kongruencije sa raĉunskim operacijama. Ideja za ovo istaţivanje je ĉinjenica da
kongruencija po modulu ima široku primenu i veoma bitnu ulogu u matematici. Isto tako
izazov je rešavati zadatke koji naizgled nemaju ništa sa kongruencijom ali se ipak
rešavaju preko nje.
Kljuĉne reĉi: kongnruencija, modul
This report is doue with ewphas is on the coucept of congruence with the chart of its
teories and rules. It is also described the reationship between the congruence and
mathmatical operatious. The idea for this reasearch is the fact that cougruence module is
used for teaching diferent ages and also because of it is importance in mathematic. It is,
also, a challenge to solve problems which, out first feewed, have no fring to do with the
cougruence, but oure tohred with it is assistance.