Page 323 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 323


    Autor: JOVANA ĐUROVIĆ OŠ “Rade Drainac” VIII-1,  Borĉa.
    MENTOR:VIOLETA KOMNENOVIĆ–dipl. matematiĉar

    Aritmetika  je  jednaveomasprecifiĉnanauka.Odabralasam  da  pišem  o  tojtemijervolimbrojeve  i

    operacijesabrojevima. Pokušalasamštojasnijeibolje da prikaţemistorijuaritmetike, kao i  njeneoperacije i

    osnovnuteorijubrojeva.Doksampisala rad zakljuĉilasam da aritmetika i “njenegrane” imaju veoma veliku
    primenu i mesto u našim ţivotima. Ona je u stvari majka svih ostalih grana matematike.


    Arithmetic  is  a  specific  science.  I‟ve  chosen  to  write  about  that  subject  because  I  love  numbers  and
    operations that include numbers. I tried to show its history as clearly as possible and all those operations

    that  include  Arithmetic  and  the  basic  theory  of  numbers.  While  I  was  writing  my  work  I  made  a
    conclusion that  Arithmetic is widely applied and that its “branches” are also applied in our everyday

    lives. It is actually a mother of all branches of Mathematics.
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