Page 326 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 326

                                               CIRCLES ARE MY LIFE

    Autor: Strahinja Jekić VII razred OŠ „Aleksa Šantić“ Beograd
    MENTOR Violeta Komnenović profesor matematike ETŠ „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd


    Zahvaljujući Arhimedu i njegovim otkrićima, matematika dostiţe svoju kulminacionu taĉku još u doba

    Antiĉke Grĉke, generalno gledano on je jedan od najvećih matematiĉara svih vremena. Pored matematike

    ostavio  je  dubok  trag  i  u  fizici  i  mehanici,  a  zahvaljujući  njegovim  genijalnim  izumima  u  mehanici
    Sirakuza je dugo godina odolevala rimskom opsedanju.

    Ideja o ovom istraţivanju potekla je iz moje ţelje da još jednom ukaţem na ĉoveka i nauĉnika koji je

    ţiveo mnogo ispred svog vremena, a zakoni koje je on otkrio su se i dan danas izuĉavaju na svim nivoima
    školovanja, od osnovne škole do fakulteta.

    Kljuĉne reĉi: Arhimed, O sferi i cilindru, Arhimedov zavrtanj, Arhimedova spirala, Kvadratura parabole,

    Arhimedov zadatak-Krznarski nož.


    Thanks to Archimedes and his discoveries, mathematics reaches its culmination point in the time of the
    ancient  Greece,  generally  speaking  he  was  one  of  the  greatest  mathematicians  of  all  time.  Besides

    mathematics he has left a deep mark in physics and mechanics too, and thanks to his ingenious inventions

    in mechanics Syracuse for many years resisted the siege of Rome.

    The idea of this research came from my desire to once again point out the man and the scientist who has

    lived much ahead of his time, and the laws which he discovered were and still are studied at all levels of

    education, from primary school to university.

    Key words: Archimedes, About sphere and cylinder, Archimedes screw, Archimedean spiral, The
    quadrature of the parabola, Archimedes task – The shoemaker's knife
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