Page 328 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 328
Autor: Sanjin Gerović VIII razred Kralj Petar II KaraĊorĊević
Mentor: Violeta Komnenović (Diplomirani matematiĉar, zaposlena u ETŠ Nikola Tesla)
Svrha ovog rada je, da ĉitaoce uvede u osnove verovatnoce I kombinatorike. Rad je
baziran na pomenutim temama, na njihovoj povezanosti i primeni.
Verovatnoća i kombinatorika imaju znatan broj oblasti, koje se granaju, i svaka od sebe,
ponaosob, ima svoju primenu i zastupljenost, ali sam se ja u ovome osvrtu bazirao samo
na njihove osnove i glavne karakteristike.
Primena ovih oblasti je višestruka, kako u raĉunskom, tako i u teorijskom delu
matematike. Definiciju i osobine verovatnoće i kombinatorike naveo sam u prvom delu
rada, da bi u kasnijem delu rada bio zastupljen raĉunski deo ovih discliplina.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Verovatnoća , Kombinatorika, Permutacije, Varijacije, Kombinacije,
The purpose of this paper is to introduce readers to the basics of probability and
combinatorics. The work is based on the themes, in their relationship and application.
Probability and combinatorics have a significant number of areas that branch, and each has
its own individual application and its representation, but I was based in this review only on
their bases and main characteristics.
Application of these areas is multi-faceted, as in the data and in the theoretical part of
mathematics. Definition and properties of probability and combinatorics as I said in the
first part of the paper, and in the later part of this paper was present calculation of these
Keywords: Probability, combinatorics, permutations, variations, combinations,