Page 329 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 329

                                                 (KUPA I PIRAMIDA)

    Autor:     Aleksa Zdravkovski   VIII-1 OŠ ,,Stevan Sremac”
    Mentor:  Violeta Komnenović, diplomirani matematiĉar

    Piramida i kupa su zainteresovale, ne samo mene, već i brojne matematiĉare i graĊevinare
    tokom istorije. Pitamo se, šta je to tako posebno u njima. Šta ih ĉini tako jedinstevnim i
    stabilnim.Cilj  ovog  rada  je  da  otkrije  strukturu  ovih  geometrijskih  tela,  kao  i  njihove
    zakonitosti i proporcije.

    The  pyramid  and  the  cone  are  intrigued,  not  only  me,  but  many  mathematicians  and
    builders throughout history. I wonder what is so special about them. What makes them so
    be unique and stable.The goal of this study is to reveal the geometric structure of these
    bodies, as well as their lawfulness and proportions.
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