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P. 332

                                MATH IS ALL AROUND US - THE GOLDEN RATIO
    Autor: Ana-Marija Ćeranić VII razred Osnovna škola JELENA ĆETKOVIĆ – Beograd
    Mentor:   Violeta Komnenović, diplomirani matematiĉar, ETŠ „Nikola Tesla“, Beograd


    Zlatni presek najviše odgovara našoj unutrašnjoj potrebi za redom i harmonijom, koji se svodi na to da su u prirodi mogudi
    samo oni sistemi koji su determinisani najboljom mogudom simetrijom, proporcijom i harmonijom.  Ta proporcija
    je zakon lepote koji se nalazi u međusobnom odnosu između pojedinih delova i delova prema celini. Primenom
    ovog  pravila  u  ljudskim  tvorevinama  se  dobija  „sklad”  koji  je  „ugodan”  za gledanje - prema Platonu, dobija se
    lepota.Važnost  proporcija  u  umetnosti  detaljno  je  opisao  još  grčki  skulptor  Poliklet  (polovina  5.  veka)  koji  je
    smatrao da je tajna umetnosti u skladnom odnosu veličina - proporcijama. Njegov "Grčki kanon" (skup pravila u
    kojem je tačno navedeno kolika treba biti veličina svakog dela tela u odnosu na drugi), kao pojam lepote, uticao je
    na  antičke  skulpture  kroz  vekove.  I  pre  njega,  stari  su  Grci  gradili  harmoničnu  arhitekturu  jer  su  za  merenje
    koristili mere preuzete iz veličine delova ljudskog tela po kojima su i nazvane: palac – dlan – pedalj – lakat – ruka –
    korak. To je dakle bila arhitektura proporcionalna ljudskom telu; ostvarenje grčkog mota:  Čovek je merilo svih
    stvari! Zato, kad pogledamo grčku arhitekturu, u svim tim širinama i dužinama, mi nesvesno vidimo nešto što nam
    je "slično" i zato nam se to "sviđa".
    Sadržaj:Proporcija,  matematička  definicija  zlatnog  preseka  Zlatni  presek  svuda  oko  nas  ArhitekturaLikovna
               Primenjena umetnost – dizajn i estetika
               Fotografija kao umetnost
               Ključne reči: Proporcija, zlatni presek,  Fibonačijev niz, božanska proporcija (Latin: sectio divina).

    Golden ratio suits our inner need for order and harmony, which comes down to the fact that in nature possible
    only those systems that are determined by the best possible symmetry, proportion and harmony.

    That proportion is the law of that beauty is in the mutual relationship between the individual parts and the parts
    in a whole.
               Applying this rule to human creations is considered "harmony" that is "comfortable" for viewing –
               according  to  Plato,  is  obtained  by  beauty.  The  importance  of  proportion  in  art  described  in  detail
               another  Greek  sculptor  Poliklet  (half  of  the  5th  century),  which  look  on  that  the  secret  art  of  the
               harmonious relationship between size - proportions. His "Greek canon" (a set of rules which correctly
               stated what should be the size of each part of the body in relation to others), as the notion of beauty,
               influenced  the  ancient  sculptures  through  the  ages.  Before  him,  the  ancient  Greeks  built  a
               harmonious architecture because the measures used to measure the size taken from human body
               parts, after which it named: thumb - palm - span - Elbow - Hand - step. It was therefore proportional
               to the architecture of the human body, creation of a Greek motto: Man is the measure of all things!
               So when you look at the Greek architecture, in all these widths and lengths, we unconsciously see
               something that is "similar" and that's why we like it "likes".

               Proportion, the mathematical definition of the golden ratio
               Golden ratio is all around us
                      a) Architecture
                      b) Visual Art
                      c) Music
                      d) Applied Arts - Design and Aesthetics
                      e) Nature
                             f) Photography as Art
               Keywords: proportion, golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence, divine section (Latin: sectio divina).
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