Page 393 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 393
AUTOR: SANJIN GEROVIĆ VII-2 OŠ Kralj Petar II KaraĊorĊević, Beograd
MENTOR: VIOLETA KOMNENOVIĆ, Dipl. matematiĉar, ETŠ ,,Nikola Tesla”
Svrha ovog rada je da na što razumljiviji naĉin objasni nastanak i znaĉaj matematiĉkih konstanti. Izdvojene
su najznaĉajnije matematiĉke konstante, koje su meĊusobno povezane. Prisutne su u svakodnevnom ţivotu,
poĉev od umetnosti do matematike i fizike. Svake godine se objavljuje više stotina matematiĉkih teorema i
kao posledica toga, matematiĉke konstante se sve više izuĉavaju. Arhimed i Ojler su dvojica najznaĉajnijih
fiziĉara, koji su matematiĉkim konstantama π,e,i,1 i 0, o kojima će ovde biti reĉi,dali veliki doprinos.
MeĊutim, oni su samo dvojica, meĊu većim brojem znamenitih matematiĉara,koji su izuzetno bili posvećeni
izuĉavanju matematiĉkih konstanti.
Akcenat će biti na ĉuvenoj Ojlerovoj teoremi, koja meĊusobno povezuje navedene veliĉine. Ova
matematiĉka oblast me je zainteresovala zbog svoje široke primene.
Kljuĉne reĉi: konstante, Arhimed , Ojler, Ojlerova teorema
The purpose of this work is to explain how it understable origin and importance of mathematical
constants. The most important mathematical constants are featured that are interconnected. They are present
in everyday life, from art to mathematic nad physic.
Every year, hunderts of mathematical theorems are published and as a conquence of mathematical
constants are also increasingly studied. Arhimedes and Euler, are two of most important physicist, who
mathematical constants π,e,i,0,1 (which will be discused here ) made a great contribution.However,they are
just two among a number of famous mathematicians,who were very dedicated to study of mathematical
Emphasis will be on the famous Euler‟s theorema that links these values. This branch of mathematic
aroused my interest because it has numerous applications.
Key words: constants, Archimed, Euler, Euler„s theorema.