Page 388 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 388
Autor: Marko Zdravković Razred: VII Škola: OŠ “ Đura Daniĉić ” Beograd
U ovom radu ćemo se upoznati sa geometrijskim telom prizmom. Prizma je geometrijsko telo ograniĉeno sa
dva paralelna i podudarna mnogougla i onoliko paralelograma koliko stranica ima jedan od tih
mnogouglova. Podaci koje sam sakupio odnose se na samu prizmu i na njene formule. Detaljnije ćemo se
upoznati sa trostranom prizmom, ĉetvorostranom prizmom i takodje sa šestostranom prizmom, ĉije se
formule koriste za sve mnogostrane prizme.
Kljuĉne reĉi: geometrijsko telo prizma, trostrana prizma, ĉetvorostrana prizma, šestostrana prizma,
mnogostrane prizme i mnogouglovi.
In this work, you will learn about solid called prism. Prism is solid, limited by two parallel and homologous
polygons and as much parallelograms as there are side chains on one of those polygons. Data I gathered are
related to the prism itself and its formulas. We will learn in detail about three-side prism, four-side prism,
and also about six-side prism whose formulas are used for all multi-side prisms.
Key words: solid – prism, three-side prism, four-side prism, six-side prism, multi-side prisms and polygons.