Page 384 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 384
AUTOR: IGOR LOVRIĆ, VII-2, Osnovna škola «Jovan Cvijić», Beograd
MENTOR: VESNA RAJŠIĆ, profesor matematike, ETŠ „Nikola Tesla“, Beograd
Iako se smatra da su Arapi u dostignućima matematike bitni jedino kao sakupljaĉi i prenosioci
tekovina starih naroda – ipak nije tako. Prouĉavanjem literature iz istorije matematike, moţe se saznati
da , poĉev od 8. veka, arapski matematiĉari stupaju na scenu i zauzimaju svoje mesto na njoj. Broj
arapskih nauĉnika se povećava i njihova dostignuća postaju sve znaĉajnija. Arapska matematika je
kasnije imala veliki uticaj i bila jedan od dominantnih pokretaĉa u evropskoj matematici, ĉime je
omogućen razvoj mnogih grana ove nauke.
Kljuĉne reĉi: teorija brojeva, algebra, algoritam, jednaĉine
Though the Arabs are considered to be only collectors and conveyors of the old civilisations
inheritance in mathematic achivement – the truth is not as simple as that. Studing history of
mathematic shows that beginning with the eight century arabian mathematicians entered the scene and
took their place on it. The number of arabian scientist increased and their ahivements became more and
more important. Arabian mathematics latter had great effect on mathematics and became one of the
moving spirits of european mathematics, wich enabled developpement of the other branches of this
Key words: theory of numbers, algebra, algoritme, equations.