Page 381 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 381
AUTOR: PAVLOVIĆ ISIDORA, VII-1, Osnovna škola “Jovan Cvijić”, Beograd
MENTOR: RAJŠIĈ VESNA, profesor matematike, ETŠ “Nikola Tesla“, Beograd
Jedan od najzanimljivijih problema teorije brojeva svakako je problem Pitagorinih brojeva. Pitagorinim brojevima ili
Pitagorinim trojkama nazivaju se prirodni brojevi x, y i z koji zadovoljavaju Pitagorinu jednaĉinu x +y =z .
Interesovanje za Pitagorine brojeve datira jos od Vavilonije (2000 godina pre naše ere). Brojevi 3, 4, 5 cine osnovnu
Pitagorinu trojku. Pitagora je anticki grcki matematicar, naucnik, astronom i filozof, osnivaĉ filozofskog, matematiĉkog,
mistickog i nauĉnog društva ili zajednice, koja je poznata pod imenom Pitagorejska skola. Danas je najpoznatiji kao
tvorac Pitagorine teoreme koja je nazvana po njemu. Pitagora je snaţno uticao na filozofsku misao i religijska
razmatranja u drugoj polovini 6. veka st. e.
Kljucne reci: dokaz, teorema, Pitagora
One of the most interesting problems of the theory of numbers is surely a problem of Pythagorean issues. Pythagorean
numbers and Pythagorean triplet is called the natural numbers x, y and z who meet the Pythagorean equation x +y =z .
Interest in the Pythagorean numbers, dates of Vavilony (2000 BC). Numbers 3, 4, 5 comprises the basic Pythagorean
triples. Pitagora greek the ancient mathematician, scientist, astronomer and philosopher, the founder of philosophical,
mathematical, and scientific mystical society or community, which is known as the Pythagorean school. Today, the most
famous as the author Pythagorean theorem, which is named after him. Pitagora is a strong influence on philosophical
thought and religious considerations in the second half of 6th st century. E.
Keywords: proof, theorem, Pitagora