Page 380 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 380


    AUTOR            : LUKA ŢIVKOVIĆ , VII6  , O.Š. "Branko Ćopić" Beograd

    NASTAVNIK  : SLAĐANA KOSAĈEVIĆ ,nast.mat. O.Š. "Branko Ćopić" Beograd

    MENTOR        : VESNA RAJŠIĆ , prof. matematike, E.T.Š "Nikola Tesla" Beograd


    Pitagorina teorema je pojam u geometriji koji definiše odnos izmeĊu tri stranice  pravouglog trougla. Ime je dobila po

    starogrĉkom matematiĉaru Pitagori koji je ţiveo u 6. veku p.n.e. On je iskoristio saznanja mnogih naucnika koji su ţiveli

    pre njega, i saţeto ih izrazio u stavu : Površina kvadrata nad hipotenuzom, je jednaka zbiru površina nad katetama, a
    zatim  je  to    matematiĉkim  putem  i  dokazao.  Ova  saznanja  bila  su  poznata  još  vavilonskim,  kineskim,  indijskim  i

    egipatskim nauĉnicima mnogo vekova ranije. Ipak, starogrĉka matematika je bogatija i svestranija od dotadašnjih nauka
    jer  je  teţila  ka  tome  da  se  sva  saznanja  dokaţu  i  obrazloţe  na  nauĉni    naĉin.  Prvi  poznati  pisani  dokaz  Pitagorine

    teoreme nalazi se u Euklidovim  Elementima . Ova teorema je bila inspiracija mnogim nauĉnicima kroz vekove, sve do
    današnjih dana. Na razne naĉine izvoĊeni su dokazi koji su vodili ka novim korisnim i zanimljivim zakljuĉcima.

    Ključne reči : Pitagorina teorema, pravougli trougao, hipotenuza, katete, iracionalni brojevi ,Pitagorine trojke,

    Pitagorino drvo.


  Pythagorean theorem is a concept in geometry which defines relationship between three sides of a right triangle. The

  name was given by ancient Greek  mathematician Pythagora, who had lived in 6.century BC. He used knowledges of
  many scientists who lived before him, and summarized them , pointed in proposition: The square of the hypotenuse of a

  right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. Theese findings were  known to Babylonian,

  Chinese, Indian, Egyptian scientists meny centuries before. However, mathematic of the ancient Greeks is more richfull
  and versatile from former  sciences because it was  streaming for prooving all findings and scientificaly  explaines.

  First known written proof of Pythagorean theorem was found in Euclids Elements . Theese theorem was inspiration for
  many scientists through centuries, allthrough nowadays. Proofs were taken in many diferent ways which led to new useful

  and interesting conclusions.

    Key words : Pythagorean theorem, right triangle , hypotenuse, catheti, irrational numbers, Pythagorean triple, Pythagoras
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