Page 275 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 275

                                 GOOGLE CALENDAR AND MAPS INTEGRATION

               Autor:Pavle  Jovanović  III 9ETŠ  “Nikola  Tesla”  Beograd  Regionalni  centar  za  talente
               Beograd II
               Mentor:  prof.  Mateja  Opaĉić  dipl,  maš,  Asistent,  Fakultet  Informacionih  Tehnologija


               Jedna  od  najpotpunijih  i  poznatih  web  aplikacija  je  Google  Calendar,  na  ţalost,  ipak  mu

               nedostaje  po  koja  mogućnost  koja  bi  ubrzala  rad  i  pomogla  korisniku.  Konkretno,  glavna

               mogućnost  koja  mi  je  više  puta  bila  potrebna  u  Google  Calendar-u  je  prikaz  lokacije
               dogaĊaja, sa lokalnom pretragom (restorani, prodavnice, itd.).

                      Ova  mogućnost  je  ostvarena  putem  skripte  pod  imenom  Maplendar,  ĉiji  su  proces
               izrade, naĉin rada i mogućnosti glavna tema ovog rada.

                      Maplendar  je  JS  skripta  koja  radi  pomoću  Greasemonkey  add-ona  za  Firefox  web

               browser, i dodaje navedene mogućnosti Calendar-u, upotpunjujući njegovu funkcionalnost.

               Kljuĉne reĉi: Integracija, proširenje, kalendar, mape, funkcionalnost.


               One  of  the  most  popular  and  most  recognizable  web  applications  is  Google  Calendar,
               unfortunately,  it  lacks  few  options  which  could  speed  up  the  work    and  help  the  user.

               Concretely, main option which was, on my opinion, needed in Google Calendar is portray of
               the location of the event, with local search (restaurants, shops, etc.).

                      This option is created with the script called Maplendar, whose process of production,

               way of work and possibilities are the main topic of this project.
                      Maplendar is JS script which works with help of Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox

               web browser, and it adds options mentioned above to Calendar, fulfilling its functionality.

               Keywords: Integration, expansion, calendar, maps, functionality
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