Page 278 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 278
Autor: Pavle Jovanović I 9 Škola:ETŠ „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd Regionalni centar za talente:
Beograd II
Mentor: prof. Mateja Opaĉić dipl, maš, Asistent, Fakultet Informacionih Tehnologija
Svrha ovog rada je upoznavanje karakteristika programa za emocionalnu komunikaciju sa
raĉunarom, nazvanog BINABAI. BINABAI je napisan tako da odgovara na što veći broj
pitanja, i uz odgovore prikazuje odreĊenu emociju u vidu slike.
Razvojni alat korišćen za pisanje i kompajliranje ovog programa je Microsoft Visual Baѕic 6
Enterprise Edition. Pored njega su korišćeni Adobe Photoshop CS i Adobe ImageReady CS.
Ispitujući proseĉne korisnike raĉunara, u bazu znanja BINABAI-ja su ubaĉena
najĉešća pitanja koja proseĉan korisnik moţe postaviti programu. Zbog ovoga, BINABAI ima
veliku mogućnost da odgovori na postavljeno pitanje, za razliku od drugih programa sliĉne
Kako korisnik programa ne bi došao u situaciju da ne zna koje ili kakav tip pitanja da
postavi, BINABAI će navoditi korisnika na postavljanje pitanja, koje opet, vodi na
postavljanje sledećeg, i tako dalje.
Pored ovoga, BINABAI poseduje i vrlo pregledan korisniĉki interfejs, dizajniran tako
da privuĉe i mlaĊe korisnike.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Komunikacija, zabava, interaktivnost, programiranje.
The purpose of this project is to introduce features of program for emotional communication
with a computer,called BINABAI. BINABAI is written to answer as many questions as it is
able, and with those answers he shows certain emotion in form of picture.
The development tool used for writting and compilling this program is Microsoft Visual Basic
6 Enterprise Edition. Beside this tool, other programs who helped are Adobe Photoshop CS
and Adobe ImageReady CS.
Analysing average computer users, in the BINABAI's base of knowledge are added most
common questions which an average user would ask. Because of this, BINABAI has great
capabillity to answer the asked question, which other programs with similar purpose can't.
So, how user of this program would not find himself in the situation of not knowing what,or
what kind of question should ask, BINABAI will lead the user which questions he or she
could ask, that proces repeats itself on the next question and so on...
Beside all this, BINABAI has very viewable user interface, designed to attract younger
generations of users.
Key words: Communication, fun, interactivity, programing