Page 82 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 82
Autor: TODOROVID DARIJA, učenica IV razreda Prve beogradske gimnazije
Mentori: DR LJILJANA ILID-PAVLOVID, ginekolog (u penziji), DR GORDANA RAJIN, Republički centar za
planiranje porodice
Planiranje porodice ima u našoj zemlji široki značaj. Ono obuhvata pravo na slobodno odlučivanje o začedu i rađanju dece.
Takođe pomaže ženama da se zaštite od neželjene trudnode. Metode koje omoguduju regulaciju fertilnosti su: kontracepcija i
namerni prekid trudnode. Kontracepcijska sredstva se koriste u cilju sprečavanja začeda, dok je namerni prekid trudnode,
operativni zahvat, koji se sprovodi kada je ved došlo do začeda, u cilju prekidanja neželjene trudnode i on predstavlja
najnepoželjniji metod kontrole rađanja.
Cilj istraživanja je posmatranje postojedeg saznanja o kontracepciji kod mladih godišta ’88. i ’87, njihove upoznatosti sa
posledicama namernih prekida trudnode, kao i prisutnog problema "bele kuge" kod nas. To je ostvareno korišdenjem ankete,
kao metode rada, pomodu koje su upoređeni rezultati, o informisanosti, između učenika gradskog i prigradskog područja.
Ostvareni rezultati pokazuju malu procentualnu razliku među ispitanom populacijom. Obaveštenost i edukacija omladine u
sadašnjem sistemu, pokriva populaciju bez obzira na teritorijalnu pripadnost.
Na osnovu sprovedene ankete, pokazalo se da mlada populacija najviše, kao sredstvo zaštite, koristi prezervativ-jedino sredstvo
koje može da zaštiti od smrtonosne, infektivne bolesti (AIDS), kao i od drugih polno prenosivih bolesti i neželjene trudnode.
Ključne reči: mladi, kontrcepcija, namerni prekid trudnode, začede, "bela kuga", planiranje porodice
Family planning is of vast importance in our country. It embraces the right to free
decision-making about conception and birth of children. It also helps the woman to protect herself against undesired pregnancy.
Methods allowing regulation of fertility are: contraceptives and deliberate termination of pregnancy. Contraceptives are used to
prevent conception, while deliberate termination of pregnancy is a surgical intervention after the conception has occurred. It is
intended to terminate the undesired pregnancy and it is at the same time the least desirable birth control method.
The goal of this research is to scan the existing knowledge about the contraceptives among the young born in 1988 and 1987,
their awareness of the consequences of deliberate termination of pregnancy and of the present phenomenon of the negative
growth of population (the so-called "white plague" as used in jargon in the country to explain this phenomenon). The research
was done by using a questionnaire, as a method, which helped compare the results, the level of information, between the
students in the urban and suburban areas.
The results obtained show a small percentage difference among the respondents. In the current system, information and
education of the young covers the population regardless of the territory they belong to. The answers provided in the
questionnaire demonstrate that among the young population the most frequent method of protection against pregnancy is the
condom. It is the only means which can protect against the mortal , infectious disease (AIDS), as well as against other sexually
transmitted diseases and undesired pregnancy.
Key words: the young, contraceptives, deliberate termination of pregnancy, the conception, "the white plague", family planning