Page 96 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 96
Mirjana Jovanovid I razred, Gimnazija Sveti Sava - Beograd
Sasvim pouzdano bi se moglo redi da bi svet i uslovi u kojima živimo bili neuporedivo drugačiji da u svetu
ne postoje gljive. Od davnina su se ljudi zanimali za gljive. Vekovima su Kinezi znali i upotebljavali neke
gljive u ishrani. Rimljani su razlikovali brojne jestive i otrovne pečurke. U starosedelačkim civilizacijama
Centralne Amerike pečurke su igrale značajnu ulogu u magiji, religiji, kao I u empirijskoj medicini. U Evropi
se interesovanje za gljive javlja tek u XVIII i XIX veku. Do danas je otkriven veliki broj vrsta i zbog svoje
raznovrsnosti važan su deo ljudske ishrane, neke od njih razlažu materije do oblika koji mogu da koriste
biljke, a takođe one su prve koje su pružile podatke o tome kako geni funkcionišu.Zbog vrlo kvalitetnog
hemijskog sastava i povoljnog uticaja na ljudski organizam sve više se primenjuju njihova lekovita dejstva
u medicini.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispitaju antibakterijska dejstva gljive Lentule edodes (ši-take) na
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Predpostavljam na osnovu biohemijskih osobina ove lekovite gljive da ona
može imati bakteriostatsko ili baktericidno dejstvo.
Kljucne reci: Gljive,Bakterije, Bakterije tuberkuloze, baktericidno, bakteristatsko dejstvo.
One could certainly say that the world and the conditions we live in would be much different if there were
no fungi. People were interested in fungi for a very long time. The Chinese knew about, and were using
some fungi. The Romans were able to distinguish numerous edible and poisonous fungi. In the native
civilizations of Central America the fungi played a significant role in spiritual life, religion as well in
empirical medicine. An interest for fungi in Europe was developed only in 18 and 19 century. Up until
today a great number of fungi have been discovered and owing to their different characteristics they are
an import part of human diet. Some of them are inducing better substance devolvement to the form that
could be used by plants. Further more they were first to show how the genes function. Due to their good
chemical composition and favorable influence for human organism they are being used more often for
medical purpose. (They are being applied in medicine).
The aim of this research is to probe antibacterial properties of fungi Lentule edodes (she teak) to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. I assume, on the basis of biochemical properties of this fungus, that it could
have bacteriostatic or bacteri(o)cidal property.
Key words: Fungi, Bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal property.