Page 92 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 92

                                       INHERITANCE OF BIOLOGICAL FEATURES

               Autor: Almina Hasanovic, ucenica Seste beogradske gimnazije drustveno-jezickog smera

               Mentor: Prof. Ljubica Lalic, profesorka biologije u Sestoj beogradskoj gimnaziji


               Ljudi su od davnina primecivali da se neke osobine prenose sa roditelja na potomstvo, ali mehanizam tog
               nasledjivanja nije bio poznat. Zasto potomci lice na roditelje? Zasto postoje razlike?
                      Predmet  naseg  istrazivanja  je  mehanizam  nasledjivanja  osobina  kroz  generacije,  za  koji
               smatramo da je veoma bitan u sprecavanju bolesti u buducim generacijama. Zanimalo nas je kako se
               jedna osobina prenosi kroz nekoliko generacija i od cega zavisi da li ce se pojaviti u narednoj generaciji.
               Zbog toga sam prvo dala uvid u neke osnovne pojmove, da bih posle u esperimentu koji je sproveden na
               primeru moje porodice sve to primenila i pokazala kako se jedna osobina prenosila kroz generacije u
               mojoj porodici. Koristila sam se metodom rodoslova, jer nisam imala uslova za nesto slozenije, ali je i ova
               metoda dala dobre rezultate.

                      Izabrala sam bas ovu temu jer pored toga sto je veoma interesantna, mislim i da je veoma bitna i
               da ce narednih godina imati veoma vaznu ulogu u nasim, a i u zivotima nase dece.

                      Kljucne reci: nasledjivanje, homozigot, heterozigot, autozomno, dominantno, recesivno,
               kodominantno, fenotip, genotip, rodoslov.

                      Since long time ago people have noticed that some features are inherited from parents to their
               children,  but  the  mechanism  of  that  heredity  wasn’t  known.  Why  do  descendants  take  after  their
               parents? Why are there differences?

                      The  aim  of  our  research  is  the  mechanism  of  heredity  features  throw  generations,  that  we
               consider it very important in prevention of decease in future generations. We were interested in how
               one  feature  inherites  throw  some  generations  and  on  what  depends  if  it  will  appear  in  further
               generations. That is why I first gave insight in some basic terms, and subsequently, in the experiment I
               conducted on the example of my family, I applied it all and showed how one feature inherited throw
               generations in my family. I used pedigree method, because I did not have conditions for more complex
               research, but nevertheless this method gave good results. I chosed this subject because apart from being
               interesting, I think it is very important and in the forthcoming years it will have an important role in ours,
               and in our children’s lives.

                      Key  words:  inheritance,  homozygote,  heterozygote,  autosomal,  dominant,  recessive,
               codominant, phenotyp, genotyp, pedigree.
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