Page 88 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 88

                                                VERBASCUM THAPSUS L.

                                             ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF
                                                VERBASCUM THAPSUS L.
               Autor:  INES  PAVLOV,  učenica  III  razreda  Gimnazije  Mentori:  Dr  BILJANA  KUKAVICA  Dipl.  biol.  TIJANA


                      U eksperimentima je korišdena samonikla biljka Verbascum thapsus L. koja je rasla na
               zemljištu zagađenom industrijskim otpadom. Da bi preživela na ovakvom zemljištu sa visokom
               koncentracijom  teških  metala,  biljka  mora  da  razvije  posebne  odbrambene  mehanizme
               (antioksidativni kapacitet). Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio određivanje antioksidativnog kapaciteta u
               listu i korenu verbaskuma i poređenje sa antioksidativnim kapacitetom graška koji je rastao u
               normalnim  uslovima.  Na  osnovu  standardne  krive  za  askorbinsku  kiselinu  određen  je
               antioksidativni kapacitet u listu i korenu verbaskuma i graška. Iz rezultata se vidi da znatno vedi
               antioksidativni kapacitet imaju koren i list verbaskuma. Apsorpcioni spektri su pokazali da mali
               molekuli koji čine antioksidativni kapacitet verbaskuma imaju maksimum apsorpcije u UV oblasti

               na osnovu čega se može zaključiti da su to askorbinska kiselina i fenoli. Dakle, verbaskum sadrži
               u  sebi  veliki  broj  malih  molekula  koji  mu  omogudavaju  život  na  zemljištu  koje  sadrži  veliku
               količinu teških metala, jer se uspešno bori protiv oksidacije.

               Ključne reči: Verbascum thapsus, antioksidanti, antioksidativni kapacitet, askorbat, ABTS test

                      In these experiments I have used a wild plant, Verbascum Thapsus (L), which grew on the
               soil polluted with industrial waste. In order to survive on the soil with such high concentration of
               heavy metals, this plant had to develop special defence mechanisms one of which is antioxidant
               capacity. The aim of this research was to define antioxidant capacity in the leaf and root of the
               verbaskum  and  to  compare  it  with  the  antioxidant  capacity  of  the  pea  grown  in  normal
               conditions. By using the standard curved line for ascorbic acid, antioxidant capacity was defined
               in the leaf and root of the verbaskum as well as in the pea. The results show that the leaf and root
               of the verbaskum have significantly larger oxidant capacity. Absorption spectra show that two
               small  molecules,  which  comprise  antioxidant  capacity  of  the  verbaskum,  have  maximum
               absorption  in  UV  part  of  the  spectrum  and  that  leads  me  to  the  conclusion  that  these  two
               molecules are ascorbic acid and phenol. Thus Verbascum Thapsus survives on the soil polluted
               with heavy metals owing to a great number of small molecules which successfully fight against

               Key words: Verbascum thapsus, antioxidant, antioxidant capacity, ascorbat, ABTS test
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