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Absorption of heavy metals within young wheat plant and detoxification using

                                                     Милица Митић
                                                Стајковце 16210 Власотинце


               Wheat represents one of oldest and most significant
               crops  in  the  world.  Nowadays,  people  do  not  pay
               much attention to the place where wheat is grown.   Results
               Such wheat, grown near a source of heavy metals,
               absorbes  certain  amount  of  those  heavy  metals.  It   Content  of  heavy  metals  in  plants  after  analysis
               has  been  shown  that  heavy  metals  influence  the   conducted with Atomic Absorbtion Spectometer, as
               growth  and  development  of  plants  which  have   well  as  results  of  heavy  metal  concentration  after
               absorbed  them,  but,  apart  from  physical  changes,   treatment with zeolite, are given in table 1.
               they  also  influence  chemical  composition  of  the   Wheat   Cu        Pb         Zn
               plant.  If  such  plants  are  used  for  human   Without
               consumption,  their  absorbed  metals  can  induce   treatment   0,10    <0,05      1,25
               numerous  diseases  with  people.  However,  zeolite
               can be used for reduction of heavy metals quantity   Treated   6,6       0,91        6,1
               in plants.
                                                                  with       0,20        0,1       1,70
               Methods                                           zeolite

                                                               Table  1.  Concentration  of  lead,  copper  and  zink
               The  research  has  been  conducted  on  commercial   (mg/kg)
               type of wheat, named Победа. After placing the soil
               as  a  base,  20  wheat  seeds  were  put  in  each  of  18
               pots in a plastic container. The soil,  used as cover,   Conclusion
               was  contaminated  with  heavy  metals  in  8  of  the
               pots.  Heavy metal compounds, which were used for   It  has  been  concluded  that  plants  absorb  heavy
               contamination, are lead acetate, copper sulfate pent   metals from soil very easily and in relatively large
               hydrate  and  zinc  chloride.  Apart  from  these  three   quantities,  but  timely  treatment  with  zeolite
               compounds,  wheat  was  also  watered  with  zeolite   significantly  lowers  that  concentration,  which
               solution. The other part of research was conducted   reaches allowed limits. This research has shown that
               eight days after sprouting in the Institute for public   plants absorb as much heavy metals as they are near
               health in Leskovac.
                                                               to their sources and that their concentration can be
                                                               put  under  control  by  careful  selection  of  planting
                                                               areas or responsible zeolite treatment. Furthermore,
                                                               this  study  represents  the  beginning  of  my  further
                                                               research,  which  I  tend  to  conduct  to  the  end  of
                                                               vegetation period of wheat.

               Figure 1. Preparation of samples for analysis

               All samples were analyzed with Atomic absorption      Ратарство  и  повртарство  =  Field  and
               spectrometer,  which  defines  the  concentration  of   vegetable Crops Research, 2010. година
               heavy metals in them.                                 Истраживање    стручне   саветодавне
                                                                       службе    о    загађењу    земљишт
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